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Last active July 4, 2017 23:39
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from __future__ import division
from matplotlib import pylab as plt
import numpy as np
MAX = np.inf
DEBUG = True
# DEBUG = False
class Arm:
def __init__(self, name, mean, stddev, cost): = name
self.mean = mean
self.stddev = stddev
self.cost = cost
self.n = 0
self.hist_reward = 0.0
self.mean_reward = 0.0
def pull(self):
self.n += 1
reward = np.random.normal(self.mean, self.stddev)
self.hist_reward += reward
self.mean_reward = self.hist_reward / self.n
print('Arm {} gets pulled'.format(
return self.cost, reward
# General Util #
def generate_arm_configs(K, mean_bound, var_bound, cost_bound):
means_ = np.random.uniform(mean_bound[0], mean_bound[1], K)
vars_ = np.random.uniform(var_bound[0], var_bound[1], K)
costs_ = np.random.uniform(cost_bound[0], cost_bound[1], K)
return np.vstack((means_, vars_, costs_)).T
def plot(results, num_plays, regret=True):
# plt.semilogy(results.T/num_plays)
plt.title('Simulated Bandit Performance for K = 5')
plt.ylabel('Cumulative Expected {}'.format('Regret' if regret else 'Reward'))
plt.xlabel('Round Index')
plt.legend(('UCB1', 'MAB-BV1','Random'),loc='lower right')
def confidence(N_h, N_ha):
if N_h == 0:
return 0.
if N_ha == 0:
return MAX
return np.sqrt(np.log(N_h) / N_ha) # UCB1
# Algorithms #
def random_play(i, arms):
return np.random.choice(arms).pull()
def ucb1(c):
def runner(i, arms):
arm_idx = np.argmax([arm.mean_reward + c * confidence(i, arm.n) for arm in arms])
return arms[arm_idx].pull()
return runner
def bv1(_lambda):
def runner(i, arms):
arm_idx = np.argmax([arm.mean_reward/arm.cost + ((1.+1./_lambda)*confidence(i, arm.n))/(_lambda-confidence(i, arm.n)) for arm in arms])
return arms[arm_idx].pull()
return runner
# Main #
if __name__ == '__main__':
budget = 5000.
K = 6
c = 0.5
num_plays = 13000
mean_bound, var_bound, cost_bound = (0.1, 0.8), (0.02, 0.05), (0.3, 1.0)
configs = generate_arm_configs(K, mean_bound, var_bound, cost_bound)
_lambda = min(configs[:, 2])
algorithms = [ucb1(c), bv1(_lambda), random_play]
n_algos = len(algorithms)
budgets = np.repeat(budget, n_algos)
total_regret, total_reward = np.zeros((2, n_algos))
acc_regrets, acc_rewards = np.zeros((2, n_algos, num_plays))
best_reward = np.repeat(max(configs[:, 0]), n_algos)
models = [[Arm(i, *config) for i, config in enumerate(configs)] for j in range(n_algos)]
for i in range(num_plays):
results = np.array([fn(i, models[j]) for j, fn in enumerate(algorithms)])
costs, rewards = results[:, 0], results[:, 1]
budgets -= costs
alive = budgets > 0.0
total_reward[alive] += rewards[alive]
total_regret[alive] += best_reward[alive] - rewards[alive]
acc_rewards[:, i] = total_reward
acc_regrets[:, i] = total_regret
print(' mean_reward var cost')
plot(acc_rewards, num_plays, regret=False)
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