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Created July 14, 2017 01:03
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Use regret matching to play rock-paper-scissors
from __future__ import division
from random import random
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
Use regret-matching algorithm to play Scissors-Rock-Paper.
class RPS:
actions = ['ROCK', 'PAPER', 'SCISSORS']
n_actions = 3
utilities = pd.DataFrame([
[ 0, -1, 1], # ROCK
[ 1, 0, -1], # PAPER
[-1, 1, 0] # SCISSORS
], columns=actions, index=actions)
class Player:
def __init__(self, name):
self.strategy, self.avg_strategy,\
self.strategy_sum, self.regret_sum = np.zeros((4, RPS.n_actions)) = name
def __repr__(self):
def update_strategy(self):
set the preference (strategy) of choosing an action to be proportional to positive regrets
e.g, a strategy that prefers PAPER can be [0.2, 0.6, 0.2]
self.strategy = np.copy(self.regret_sum)
self.strategy[self.strategy < 0] = 0 # reset negative regrets to zero
summation = sum(self.strategy)
if summation > 0:
# normalise
self.strategy /= summation
# uniform distribution to reduce exploitability
self.strategy = np.repeat(1 / RPS.n_actions, RPS.n_actions)
self.strategy_sum += self.strategy
def regret(self, my_action, opp_action):
we here define the regret of not having chosen an action as the difference between the utility of that action
and the utility of the action we actually chose, with respect to the fixed choices of the other player.
compute the regret and add it to regret sum.
result = RPS.utilities.loc[my_action, opp_action]
facts = RPS.utilities.loc[:, opp_action].values
regret = facts - result
self.regret_sum += regret
def action(self, use_avg=False):
select an action according to strategy probabilities
strategy = self.avg_strategy if use_avg else self.strategy
return np.random.choice(RPS.actions, p=strategy)
def learn_avg_strategy(self):
# averaged strategy converges to Nash Equilibrium
summation = sum(self.strategy_sum)
if summation > 0:
self.avg_strategy = self.strategy_sum / summation
self.avg_strategy = np.repeat(1/RPS.n_actions, RPS.n_actions)
class Game:
def __init__(self, max_game=10000):
self.p1 = Player('Alasdair')
self.p2 = Player('Calum')
self.max_game = max_game
def winner(self, a1, a2):
result = RPS.utilities.loc[a1, a2]
if result == 1: return self.p1
elif result == -1: return self.p2
else: return 'Draw'
def play(self, avg_regret_matching=False):
def play_regret_matching():
for i in xrange(0, self.max_game):
a1 = self.p1.action()
a2 = self.p2.action()
self.p1.regret(a1, a2)
self.p2.regret(a2, a1)
winner = self.winner(a1, a2)
num_wins[winner] += 1
def play_avg_regret_matching():
for i in xrange(0, self.max_game):
a1 = self.p1.action(use_avg=True)
a2 = self.p2.action(use_avg=True)
winner = self.winner(a1, a2)
num_wins[winner] += 1
num_wins = {
self.p1: 0,
self.p2: 0,
'Draw': 0
play_regret_matching() if not avg_regret_matching else play_avg_regret_matching()
print num_wins
def conclude(self):
let two players conclude the average strategy from the previous strategy stats
if __name__ == '__main__':
game = Game()
print '==== Use simple regret-matching strategy === '
print '==== Use averaged regret-matching strategy === '
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