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Last active May 31, 2019 17:14
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#1058 가위 바위 보 하나 빼기 v1
#include <stdio.h>
#pragma warning (disable : 4996)
#define SCISSORS 1
#define ROCK 2
#define PAPER 3
#define WIN 1
#define LOSE -1
#define DRAW 0
int calculateRockScissorsPaper(int rockScissorsPaper1, int rockScissorsPaper2) {
if (rockScissorsPaper1 == SCISSORS) {
if (rockScissorsPaper2 == SCISSORS) {
return DRAW;
if (rockScissorsPaper2 == ROCK) {
return LOSE;
if (rockScissorsPaper2 == PAPER) {
return WIN;
if (rockScissorsPaper1 == ROCK) {
if (rockScissorsPaper2 == SCISSORS) {
return WIN;
if (rockScissorsPaper2 == ROCK) {
return DRAW;
if (rockScissorsPaper2 == PAPER) {
return LOSE;
if (rockScissorsPaper1 == PAPER) {
if (rockScissorsPaper2 == SCISSORS) {
return LOSE;
if (rockScissorsPaper2 == ROCK) {
return WIN;
if (rockScissorsPaper2 == PAPER) {
return DRAW;
// expectedRockScissorsPaperResult = 0, 1, -1
int calculatePercent(int RL, int RR, int HL, int HR, int expectedRockScissorsPaperResult) {
// RL vs HL
int caseCount = 0;
// WinRLHL = RL이 이기면 1, 지면 0
if (calculateRockScissorsPaper(RL, HL) == expectedRockScissorsPaperResult) {
caseCount += 1;
if (calculateRockScissorsPaper(RL, HR) == expectedRockScissorsPaperResult) {
caseCount += 1;
if (calculateRockScissorsPaper(RR, HL) == expectedRockScissorsPaperResult) {
caseCount += 1;
if (calculateRockScissorsPaper(RR, HR) == expectedRockScissorsPaperResult) {
caseCount += 1;
const int totalCaseCount = 4;
// 0, 1, 2, 3
// 퍼센트 계산 = (경우의 수) / (총 경우의 수) * 100
int percent = caseCount * 100 / totalCaseCount;
return percent;
int main() {
int TC;
scanf("%d", &TC);
while (TC--) {
// ::: 류주가 이길 / 비길 / 질 확률 ::: 1. 가위 2. 바위 3. 보 :::
int RL, RR, HL, HR;
int win, draw, lose;
scanf("%d %d %d %d", &RL, &RR, &HL, &HR);
win = calculatePercent(RL, RR, HL, HR, WIN);
draw = calculatePercent(RL, RR, HL, HR, DRAW);
lose = calculatePercent(RL, RR, HL, HR, LOSE);
printf("%d %d %d\n", win, draw, lose);
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