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Created September 2, 2012 16:16
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=== modified file 'data/class/SC_Fpdf.php'
--- data/class/SC_Fpdf.php 2012-06-19 18:01:38.000000000 +0900
+++ data/class/SC_Fpdf.php 2012-09-03 01:13:31.000000000 +0900
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
$this->tpl_dispmode = 'real'; // 表示モード
$masterData = new SC_DB_MasterData_Ex();
$this->arrPref = $masterData->getMasterData('mtb_pref');
- $this->width_cell = array(110.3,12,21.7,24.5);
+ $this->width_cell = array(115.3,12,21.7,22.5);
$this->label_cell[] = '商品名 / 商品コード / [ 規格 ]';
$this->label_cell[] = '数量';
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
$this->SetMargins(15, 20);
// PDFを読み込んでページ数を取得
- $this->pageno = $this->setSourceFile($this->tpl_pdf);
+ $pageno = $this->setSourceFile($this->tpl_pdf);
function setData($arrData) {
@@ -80,6 +80,7 @@
if (SC_Utils_Ex::sfIsInt($arrData['order_id'])) {
$this->disp_mode = true;
+ $order_id = $arrData['order_id'];
// テンプレート内容の位置、幅を調整 ※useTemplateに引数を与えなければ100%表示がデフォルト
@@ -95,86 +96,153 @@
function setShopData() {
// ショップ情報
- $objDb = new SC_Helper_DB_Ex();
- $arrInfo = $objDb->sfGetBasisData();
+ $arrInfo = SC_Helper_DB_Ex::sfGetBasisData();
- // ショップ名
- $this->lfText(125, 60, $arrInfo['shop_name'], 8, 'B');
- // URL
- $this->lfText(125, 63, $arrInfo['law_url'], 8);
- // 会社名
- $this->lfText(125, 68, $arrInfo['law_company'], 8);
- // 郵便番号
- $text = '〒 ' . $arrInfo['law_zip01'] . ' - ' . $arrInfo['law_zip02'];
- $this->lfText(125, 71, $text, 8);
- // 都道府県+所在地
- $text = $this->arrPref[$arrInfo['law_pref']] . $arrInfo['law_addr01'];
- $this->lfText(125, 74, $text, 8);
- $this->lfText(125, 77, $arrInfo['law_addr02'], 8);
+ $this->lfText(125, 15, $arrInfo['shop_name'], 8, 'B'); //ショップ名
+ $this->lfText(125, 18, $arrInfo['law_url'], 8); //URL
+ $this->lfText(125, 23, $arrInfo['law_company'], 8); //会社名
+ $text = "〒 ".$arrInfo['law_zip01']." - ".$arrInfo['law_zip02'];
+ $this->lfText(125, 26, $text, 8); //郵便番号
+ $text = $this->arrPref[$arrInfo['law_pref']].$arrInfo['law_addr01'];
+ $this->lfText(125, 29, $text, 8); //都道府県+住所1
+ $this->lfText(125, 32, $arrInfo['law_addr02'], 8); //住所2
- $text = 'TEL: '.$arrInfo['law_tel01'].'-'.$arrInfo['law_tel02'].'-'.$arrInfo['law_tel03'];
+ $text = "TEL: ".$arrInfo['law_tel01']."-".$arrInfo['law_tel02']."-".$arrInfo['law_tel03'];
if (strlen($arrInfo['law_fax01']) > 0) {
- $text .= ' FAX: '.$arrInfo['law_fax01'].'-'.$arrInfo['law_fax02'].'-'.$arrInfo['law_fax03'];
+ $text .= " FAX: ".$arrInfo['law_fax01']."-".$arrInfo['law_fax02']."-".$arrInfo['law_fax03'];
- $this->lfText(125, 80, $text, 8); //TEL・FAX
+ $this->lfText(125, 36, $text, 8); //TEL・FAX
- if (strlen($arrInfo['law_email']) > 0) {
- $text = 'Email: '.$arrInfo['law_email'];
- $this->lfText(125, 83, $text, 8); //Email
+ if ( strlen($arrInfo['law_email']) > 0 ) {
+ $text = "Email: ".$arrInfo['law_email'];
+ $this->lfText(125, 39, $text, 8); //Email
- $logo_file = PDF_TEMPLATE_REALDIR . 'logo.png';
- $this->Image($logo_file, 124, 46, 40);
+// $logo_file = PDF_TEMPLATE_REALDIR . 'logo.png';
+// $this->Image($logo_file, 124, 46, 40);
function setMessageData() {
// メッセージ
- $this->lfText(27, 70, $this->arrData['msg1'], 8); //メッセージ1
- $this->lfText(27, 74, $this->arrData['msg2'], 8); //メッセージ2
- $this->lfText(27, 78, $this->arrData['msg3'], 8); //メッセージ3
- $text = '作成日: '.$this->arrData['year'].'年'.$this->arrData['month'].'月'.$this->arrData['day'].'日';
- $this->lfText(158, 288, $text, 8); //作成日
+ $this->lfText(23, 35, $this->arrData['msg1'], 9); //メッセージ1
+ $this->lfText(23, 39, $this->arrData['msg2'], 9); //メッセージ2
+ $this->lfText(23, 43, $this->arrData['msg3'], 9); //メッセージ3
+ $text = "作成日: ".$this->arrData['year']."年".$this->arrData['month']."月".$this->arrData['day']."日";
+ $this->lfText(130, 288, $text, 8); //作成日
function setOrderData() {
- $arrOrder = array();
// DBから受注情報を読み込む
+ //納品書タイトル
+ $this->SetFont('', 'B', 10);
+ $this->Cell(0, -15, $this->tpl_title, 0, 2, 'a', 0, ''); //文書タイトル(納品書・請求書)
+ $this->Cell(0, 45, '', 0, 2, 'R', 0, '');
+ $this->Cell(5, 0, '', 0, 0, 'R', 0, '');
// 購入者情報
- $text = '〒 '.$this->arrDisp['order_zip01'].' - '.$this->arrDisp['order_zip02'];
- $this->lfText(23, 43, $text, 10); //購入者郵便番号
- $text = $this->arrPref[$this->arrDisp['order_pref']] . $this->arrDisp['order_addr01'];
- $this->lfText(27, 47, $text, 10); //購入者都道府県+住所1
- $this->lfText(27, 51, $this->arrDisp['order_addr02'], 10); //購入者住所2
- $text = $this->arrDisp['order_name01'].' '.$this->arrDisp['order_name02'].' 様';
- $this->lfText(27, 59, $text, 11); //購入者氏名
+ $text = $this->arrDisp['order_kana01']." ".$this->arrDisp['order_kana02'];
+ $this->lfText(18, 20, $text, 8); //購入者フリガナ(会社名)
+ $text = $this->arrDisp['order_name01']." ".$this->arrDisp['order_name02']." 様";
+ $this->lfText(18, 25, $text, 10); //購入者氏名
// お届け先情報
- $this->SetFont('SJIS', '', 10);
- $this->lfText(25, 125, SC_Utils_Ex::sfDispDBDate($this->arrDisp['create_date']), 10); //ご注文日
- $this->lfText(25, 135, $this->arrDisp['order_id'], 10); //注文番号
- $this->SetFont('Gothic', 'B', 15);
- $this->Cell(0, 10, $this->tpl_title, 0, 2, 'C', 0, ''); //文書タイトル(納品書・請求書)
- $this->Cell(0, 66, '', 0, 2, 'R', 0, '');
- $this->Cell(5, 0, '', 0, 0, 'R', 0, '');
- $this->SetFont('SJIS', 'B', 15);
- $this->Cell(67, 8, number_format($this->arrDisp['payment_total']).' 円', 0, 2, 'R', 0, '');
- $this->Cell(0, 45, '', 0, 2, '', 0, '');
+ $this->SetFontSize(10);
+// $this->lfText(25, 94, SC_Utils_Ex::sfDispDBDate($this->arrDisp['create_date']), 10); //ご注文日
+// $this->lfText(25, 135, $this->arrDisp['order_id'], 10); //注文番号
+ // 届先情報 <ここから>
+ $objShip = new SC_Helper_Purchase_Ex();
+ $this->arrShip = $objShip->getShippings($this->arrDisp['order_id']);
+ $y = 76; // お届け先開始y軸位置
+ $count = count($this->arrShip);
+ $i = 0; // 配列のindex
+ $j = 0; // 届け先取り出し数
+ do {
+ if ($j == $count) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if ($this->arrShip[$i]['shipping_id'] != "") {
+ $y += $j * 4 * 3; // 届け先 * 高さ * 要素数
+ $y += 4;
+ $text = "〒". $this->arrShip[$i]['shipping_zip01']. "-" . $this->arrShip[$i]['shipping_zip02'];
+ $this->lfText(20, $y, $text, 9);
+ $y += 4;
+ $text = $this->arrShip[$i]['shipping_addr01'].$this->arrShip[$i]['shipping_addr02'];
+ $this->lfText(20, $y, $text, 9);
+ $y += 4;
+ $text = "TEL:" . $this->arrShip[$i]['shipping_tel01']. "-" . $this->arrShip[$i]['shipping_tel02']. "-" . $this->arrShip[$i]['shipping_tel03'];
+ $this->lfText(20, $y+1, $text, 11);
+ $y += 4;
+ $text = $this->arrShip[$i]['shipping_name01']. " " .$this->arrShip[$i]['shipping_name02'] . " 様";
+ $this->lfText(20, $y+2, $text, 9);
+ $y += 4;
+ $text = "【お届け時間】:".$this->arrShip[$i]['shipping_time'] ." " .substr($this->arrShip[$i]["shipping_date"],5,2) . "/" . substr($this->arrShip[$i]["shipping_date"],8,2);
+ $this->lfText(130, 90, $text, 9);
+ $j += 1;
+ }
+ $i += 1;
+ } while (true);
+ // <ここまで>
+ $text = "【ご注文日】:".SC_Utils_Ex::sfDispDBDate($this->arrDisp['create_date']);
+ $this->lfText(130, 75, $text, 9); //ご注文日
+ $text = "【注文番号】:".$this->arrDisp['order_id'];
+ $this->lfText(130, 80, $text, 9); //注文番号
+ $text = "【支払方法】:".$this->arrDisp['payment_method'];
+ $this->lfText(130, 85, $text, 9); //お支払方法
+ $text = "【お客様のご要望】:".$this->arrDisp['message'];
+ $size=65;
+ for($i=0;$i<=mb_strlen($text,"utf-8")/$size;$i++){$result=mb_substr($text,$i*$size,$size,"utf-8")."\r\n";
+ $this->lfText(15, 100+($i*3), $result, 8);
+ $text =$this->arrDisp['note'];
+ $size=65;
+ for($i=0;$i<=mb_strlen($text,"utf-8")/$size;$i++){$result=mb_substr($text,$i*$size,$size,"utf-8")."\r\n";
+ $this->lfText(15, 106+($i*3), $result, 8);
- $this->SetFont('SJIS', '', 8);
+ $this->SetFont('', 'B', 15);
+ $this->Cell(60, 10, number_format($this->arrDisp['payment_total'])." 円", 0, 2, 'R', 0, '');//総合金額
+ $this->Cell(0, 50, '', 0, 2, '', 0, ''); //商品ブロックの位置情報
- $monetary_unit = '円';
+ $this->SetFontSize(8);
+ $monetary_unit = "円";
$point_unit = 'Pt';
+ $kosu = 0;
// 購入商品情報
for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->arrDisp['quantity']); $i++) {
// 購入数量
$data[0] = $this->arrDisp['quantity'][$i];
+ $kosu = $kosu+$this->arrDisp['quantity'][$i];
// 税込金額(単価)
$data[1] = SC_Helper_DB_Ex::sfCalcIncTax($this->arrDisp['price'][$i]);
@@ -205,7 +273,7 @@
$arrOrder[$i][0] = '';
- $arrOrder[$i][1] = '';
+ $arrOrder[$i][1] = $kosu;
$arrOrder[$i][2] = '商品合計';
$arrOrder[$i][3] = number_format($this->arrDisp['subtotal']).$monetary_unit;
@@ -258,12 +326,12 @@
function setEtcData() {
- $this->Cell(0, 10, '', 0, 1, 'C', 0, '');
- $this->SetFont('Gothic', 'B', 9);
- $this->MultiCell(0, 6, '< 備 考 >', 'T', 2, 'L', 0, ''); //備考
+/* $this->Cell(0, 10, '', 0, 1, 'C', 0, '');
+ $this->SetFontSize(9);
+ $this->MultiCell(0, 6, "< 備 考 >", 'T', 2, 'L', 0, ''); //備考
- $this->SetFont('SJIS', '', 8);
- $this->MultiCell(0, 4, $this->arrData['etc1']."\n".$this->arrData['etc2']."\n".$this->arrData['etc3'], '', 2, 'L', 0, ''); //備考
+ $this->SetFontSize(8);
+ $this->MultiCell(0, 4, $this->arrData['etc1']."\n".$this->arrData['etc2']."\n".$this->arrData['etc3'], '', 2, 'L', 0, ''); //備考*/
function createPdf() {
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nanasess commented Sep 2, 2012 の 2.12 向けパッチ

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