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Last active June 26, 2020 23:31
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Find accented filenames

Find accented filenames and rename

find help about regex flavors

find -regextype -h: Tipo desconhecido de expressão regular ‘-h’; tipos válidos são:

find -regextype awk -not -iregex "[^áàãâéêíóõôúçñ]+"
find -depth -regextype awk -not -iregex "[0-9a-z \-\_\,\./]+"
find -depth -regextype posix-awk -not -iregex "[0-9a-z \-\_\,\./]+"

Comando que busca apenas arquivos com a última parte acentuada

find -depth -regextype posix-awk -iregex ".*[áàãâéêíóõôúçñ]+[^/]+"

Comando que busca apenas arquivos com qualquer parte acentuada

find -depth -regextype awk -not -iregex "[0-9a-z/ \-\_\,\.\(\)]+"

Comando que encontra arquivos com final fora da norma, mas inclui .

find -depth -regextype posix-awk -not -iregex ".*/[0-9a-z/ \-\_\,\.\(\)]+" |\
while read infile;
  if [ $infile != '.' ];
    bnamefile="$(basename "$infile")";
    outfile="$(echo "$bnamefile" | iconv -f UTF8 -t ASCII//TRANSLIT)";
    bnamedir="$(dirname "$infile")";
    echo $bnamefile $outfile;
    mv -vi "$infile" "$bnamedir/$outfile";

Comando para remover acentos dos nomes de arquivos:

find -regextype awk -not -regex "[^áÁàÀãÃâÂéÉêÊíÍóÓõÕôÔúÚçÇñÑ]+" \
| awk '{print length, $0}' \
| sort -nr \
| sed 's/^[[:digit:]]* //' \
| while read dirfile; \
  outfile="$(echo "$(basename "$dirfile")" | unaccent UTF-8)"; \
  mv -iv "$dirfile" "$(dirname "$dirfile")/$outfile"; \

Usando 'iconv' e 'mv'

find -depth -regextype posix-awk -iregex ".*[áàãâéêíóõôúçñ]+[^/]+" |\
while read infile;
  bnamefile="$(basename "$infile")";
  outfile="$(echo "$bnamefile" | iconv -f UTF8 -t ASCII//TRANSLIT)";

  bnamedir="$(dirname "$infile")";
  echo $bnamefile $outfile;
  mv -vi "$infile" "$bnamedir/$outfile";

Usando 'unaccent' e 'rename'

find -depth -regextype posix-awk -iregex ".*[áàãâéêíóõôúçñ]+[^/]+" |\
while read infile;
  bnamefile="$(basename "$infile")";
  outfile="$(unaccent UTF-8 $bnamefile)";

  bnamedir="$(dirname "$infile")";
  echo $bnamefile $outfile;
  rename -n "s/$bnamefile/$outfile/" "$infile";

Estratégias para renomear

Nome original

bnamefile="$(basename "$infile")";

Com ferramenta 'iconv'

outfile="$(echo "$bnamefile" | iconv -f UTF8 -t ASCII//TRANSLIT)";

Com ferramenta 'unaccent'

outfile="$(unaccent UTF-8 $bnamefile)";

Rename folders

find -depth -name _Others -exec mv -i {} {}/../_Other \;
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