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Created July 11, 2014 00:22
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Fun with image transformations in Perl: American Gothic in the palette of Mona Lisa: Rearrange the pixels
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use 5.020; # just because
use strict;
use warnings;
use Const::Fast;
use GD;
use Path::Class;
const my $COLOR => 0;
const my $COORDINATES => 1;
const my $RGB => 2;
const my $ANIMATION_FRAMES => 100;
const my %MASK => (
RED => 0x00ff0000,
GREEN => 0x0000ff00,
BLUE => 0x000000ff,
sub run {
unless (@_ == 2) {
die "Need source and palette images\n";
my $source_file = file(shift)->resolve;
my $palette_file = file(shift)->resolve;
my $source = GD::Image->new("$source_file")
or die "Failed to create source image from '$source_file'";
my $palette = GD::Image->new("$palette_file")
or die "Failed to create palette image from '$palette_file'";
my %source = map { $_ => $source->$_ } qw(width height);
my %palette = map { $_ => $palette->$_ } qw(width height);
my ($frame_prefix) = ($source_file->basename =~ /\A([^.]+)/);
unless (
(my $source_area = $source{width} * $source{height}) <=
(my $palette_area = $palette{width} * $source{height})
) {
die "Source area ($source_area) is greater than palette area ($palette_area)";
my ($last_frame, $png) = recreate_source_image_from_palette(
get_source_pixels( get_pixels_by_color($source, \%source) ),
get_palette_colors( get_pixels_by_color($palette, \%palette) ),
sub { save_frame($frame_prefix, @_) }
save_frame($frame_prefix, $last_frame, $png);
sub save_frame {
my $frame_prefix = shift;
my $frame = shift;
my $png = shift;
sprintf("${frame_prefix}-%d.png", $frame)
)->spew(iomode => '>:raw', $$png);
sub recreate_source_image_from_palette {
my $dim = shift;
my $source_pixels = shift;
my $palette_colors = shift;
my $callback = shift;
my $frame = 0;
my %colors;
$colors{$_} = undef for @$palette_colors;
my $gd = GD::Image->new($dim->{width}, $dim->{height}, 1);
for my $x (keys %colors) {
$colors{$x} = $gd->colorAllocate(unpack_rgb($x));
my $period = sprintf '%.0f', @$source_pixels / $ANIMATION_FRAMES;
for my $i (0 .. $#$source_pixels) {
@{ $source_pixels->[$i] },
$colors{ $palette_colors->[$i] }
if ($i % $period == 0) {
$callback->($frame, \ $gd->png);
$frame += 1;
return ($frame, \ $gd->png);
sub get_palette_colors { [ map sprintf('%08X', $_->[$COLOR]), @{ $_[0] } ] }
sub get_source_pixels { [ map $_->[$COORDINATES], @{ $_[0] } ] }
sub get_pixels_by_color {
my $gd = shift;
my $dim = shift;
return [
sort { $a->[$COLOR] <=> $b->[$COLOR] }
map {
my $y = $_;
map {
[ pack_rgb( $gd->rgb( $gd->getPixel($_, $y) ) ), [$_, $y] ];
} 0 .. $dim->{width}
} 0 .. $dim->{height}
sub pack_rgb { $_[0] << 16 | $_[1] << 8 | $_[2] }
sub unpack_rgb {
my ($r, $g, $b) = map $MASK{$_} & hex($_[0]), qw(RED GREEN BLUE);
return ($r >> 16, $g >> 8, $b);
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