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Created June 22, 2016 01:43
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t\spec\S32-num\power.rakudo.moar failures
t\spec\S32-num\power.rakudo.moar ..
ok 1 - 0 ** 0 == 1
ok 2 - 0 ** 1 == 0
ok 3 - 1 ** 2 == 1
ok 4 - 4 ** 0 == 1
ok 5 - 4 ** 1 == 4
ok 6 - 4 ** 2 == 16
ok 7 - 0 ** 4553535345364535345634543534 == 0
ok 8 - 1 ** 4553535345364535345634543534 == 1
ok 9 - 1e0 ** 4553535345364535345634543534 == 1
ok 10 - 1e0 ** 4553535345364535345634543534 is a Num
ok 11 - \# SKIP big exponents RT \#124798: passes on OSX, fails on Linux
not ok 12 - -1 ** 4553535345364535345634543533 == -1# TODO big exponents RT \#124798
# Failed test '-1 ** 4553535345364535345634543533 == -1'
# at t\spec\S32-num\power.rakudo.moar line 27
# expected: '-1'
# got: (Failure)
ok 1 - code dies
ok 2 - right exception type (X::Numeric::Overflow)
ok 13 - 2 ** 4553535345364535345634543534# TODO overflow exception is not thrown on OSX RT \#127500
ok 1 - code dies
ok 2 - right exception type (X::Numeric::Overflow)
ok 14 - -2 ** 4553535345364535345634543534# TODO overflow exception is not thrown on OSX RT \#127500
ok 1 - code dies
ok 2 - right exception type (X::Numeric::Overflow)
ok 15 - -2 ** 4553535345364535345634543533# TODO overflow exception is not thrown on OSX RT \#127500
ok 16 - 4 ** .5 == 2
ok 17 - 4 ** (1/2) == 2
ok 18 - 4 ** (-1/2) == 1/2
ok 19 - -2 ** 2 = 4
ok 20 - 1**Inf=1
ok 21 - 0**Inf=0
ok 22 - Inf**2 = Inf
ok 23 - (-Inf)**3 = -Inf
ok 24 - Inf**Inf = Inf
ok 25 - NaN propagates with integer powers
ok 26 - NaN propagates with numeric powers
ok 27 - 0**NaN=NaN
not ok 28 - NaN**1i=NaN# TODO wrong results for "NaN" used with "**" RT \#124800
# Failed test 'NaN**1i=NaN'
# at t\spec\S32-num\power.rakudo.moar line 55
# expected: 'NaN'
# got: 'NaN+NaN\i'
not ok 29 - 1i**NaN=NaN# TODO wrong results for "NaN" used with "**" RT \#124800
# Failed test '1i**NaN=NaN'
# at t\spec\S32-num\power.rakudo.moar line 56
# expected: 'NaN'
# got: 'NaN+NaN\i'
ok 30 - NaN**0=1
ok 31 - NaN**NaN=NaN
ok 32 - Inf**NaN=NaN
ok 33 - NaN**Inf=NaN
ok 34 - e ** .5 == exp(.5)
ok 35 - e ** 2.5 == exp(2.5)
ok 36 - (4+0i) ** 2 == 16
ok 37 - i ** 4 == 1
ok 38 - (4+0i) ** .5 == 2
ok 39 - i ** 2 == -1
ok 40 - i ** 3 == -i
ok 41 - 5i ** 3 = -125i
ok 42 - 3i ** 3 = -27i
ok 43 - -3i ** 3 = 27i
not ok 44 - (-1) ** -i is approx 23.1406926327793# TODO i RT \#124810
# Failed test '(-1) ** -i is approx 23.1406926327793'
# at t\spec\S32-num\power.rakudo.moar line 80
# expected: 23.1406926327793
# got: NaN+NaN\i
ok 45 - quartic root of 8i ** 4 = 8i
ok 46 - quartic root of 8i ** 4 = 8i
ok 47 - quartic root of 8i ** 4 = 8i
ok 48 - quartic root of 8i ** 4 = 8i
ok 49 - e ** pi i = -1
ok 50 - (4+0i) ** (2+0i) == 16
ok 51 - 1.015 ** 200 is not NaN
ok 52 - 1.015 ** 200 == 19.6430286394751
ok 53 - 0⁰ == 1
ok 54 - 0¹ == 0
ok 55 - 1² == 1
ok 56 - 4⁰ == 1
ok 57 - 4¹ == 4
ok 58 - 4² == 16
ok 59 - 2³² == 2 ** 32
ok 60 - 2⁶⁴ == 2 ** 64
ok 61 - 10¹⁰⁰ == 10 ** 100
ok 62 - 0⁴⁵⁵³⁵³⁵³⁴⁵³⁶⁴⁵³⁵³⁴⁵ == 0
ok 63 - 1⁴⁵⁵³⁵³⁵³⁴⁵³⁶⁴⁵³⁵³⁴⁵ == 1
ok 64 - 1e0⁴⁵⁵³⁵³⁵³⁴⁵³⁶⁴⁵³⁵³⁴⁵ == 1
ok 65 - 1e0⁴⁵⁵³⁵³⁵³⁴⁵³⁶⁴⁵³⁵³⁴⁵ is a Num
ok 66 - \# SKIP big exponents RT \#124798: passes on OSX, fails on Linux
not ok 67 - (-1)⁴⁵⁵³⁵³⁵³⁴⁵³⁶⁴⁵³⁵³⁴⁵ == -1# TODO big exponents RT \#124798
# Failed test '(-1)⁴⁵⁵³⁵³⁵³⁴⁵³⁶⁴⁵³⁵³⁴⁵ == -1'
# at t\spec\S32-num\power.rakudo.moar line 119
# expected: '-1'
# got: (Failure)
ok 1 - code dies
ok 2 - right exception type (X::Numeric::Overflow)
ok 68 - 2⁴⁵⁵³⁵³⁵³⁴⁵³⁶⁴⁵³⁵³⁴⁵ throws# TODO overflow exception is not thrown on OSX RT \#127500
ok 1 - code dies
ok 2 - right exception type (X::Numeric::Overflow)
ok 69 - (-2)⁴⁵⁵³⁵³⁵³⁴⁵³⁶⁴⁵³⁵³⁵⁴ throws# TODO overflow exception is not thrown on OSX RT \#127500
ok 1 - code dies
ok 2 - right exception type (X::Numeric::Overflow)
ok 70 - (-2)⁴⁵⁵³⁵³⁵³⁴⁵³⁶⁴⁵³⁵³⁴⁵ throws# TODO overflow exception is not thrown on OSX RT \#127500
ok 71 - 4 ** ½ == 2
ok 72 - 4 ** -½ == ½
ok 73 - 27 ** ⅓ == 3
ok 74 - 27 ** ⅔ == 9
ok 75 - 27 ** -⅓ == ⅓
ok 76 - 27 ** -⅔ == ⅑
Saw 1 occurrence of deprecated code.
Sub is_approx (from Test) seen at:
t\spec\S32-num\power.rakudo.moar, lines 64,65,69,70,71,73,74,75,76,77,80,83,90,94,98
Please use is-approx instead.
Please contact the author to have these occurrences of deprecated code
adapted, so that this message will disappear!
All tests successful.
Test Summary Report
t\spec\S32-num\power.rakudo.moar (Wstat: 0 Tests: 76 Failed: 0)
TODO passed: 13-15, 68-70
Files=1, Tests=76, 2 wallclock secs ( 0.05 usr + 0.03 sys = 0.08 CPU)
Result: PASS
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