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Created March 23, 2023 16:37
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Console Output RED/GREEN failures for SQL Agent job history, multiple key property sorts. Attempting to imitate the output of the SQL Server Management Studio Job History window in a console.
# Console Output RED/GREEN failures for SQL Agent job history, multiple key property sorts
# attempting to imitate the output of the SQL Server Management Studio Job History window
$paramHash = @{
SqlInstance = 'YOURSERVER01','YOURSERVER02' # comma separated list of SQL Server instances
StartDate = "$(((Get-Date).AddDays(-.1) ))" # 0.1 days ago - ARE YOU SURE? This does not mean 1 day. It means 2.4 hours ago.
# StartDate = "$(((Get-Date).AddDays(-90) ))" # 90 days ago
EndDate = "$((Get-Date ))" # now
Job = 'Some SQL Agent Job Name goes here' # name of SQL Agent job goes here
ExcludeJobSteps = $false
Get-DbaAgentJobHistory @paramHash |
Select-Object @{Name = "_"; #dumb name for a property where checkmark or × will go
Expression = { $status = $_.status
switch ($status) { "Failed" { "$([char]0x1b)[91m×"
"Succeeded" { "$([char]0x1b)[92m$([char]8730)"
#RunDate, StepID, SqlInstance, JobName, StepName, Duration, Message, SqlSeverity, SqlMessageID, OperatorEmailed, OperatorNetsent, OperatorPaged, RetriesAttempted | `
RunDate, StepID, SqlInstance, JobName, StepName, Duration, SqlSeverity, SqlMessageID, OperatorEmailed, OperatorNetsent, OperatorPaged, RetriesAttempted, Message | `
<# multiple key sort follows #>
Sort-Object -Property @{e = { $_.SqlInstance } }, @{e = { $_.RunDate }; Ascending = $false }, @{e = { $_.StepID }; Ascending = $false } | `
#Sort-Object -Property RunDate -Descending | ` # single key sort
Format-Table -Wrap
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