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Created April 22, 2011 17:37
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Auth_AutoModeler_ORM driver
<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct access allowed.');
* Automodeler_ORM Auth driver.
* @package Auth
* @author Kohana Team
* @copyright (c) 2007-2008 Kohana Team
* @license
class Auth_AutoModeler_ORM extends Auth {
* Checks if a session is active.
* @param mixed role name string, role ORM object, or array with role names
* @return boolean
public function logged_in($role = NULL)
$status = FALSE;
// Get the user from the session
$user = $this->get_user();
if (is_object($user) AND $user instanceof Model_User AND $user->id)
// Everything is okay so far
$status = TRUE;
if ( ! empty($role))
// Multiple roles to check
if (is_array($role))
// Check each role
foreach ($role as $_role)
if ( ! is_numeric($_role))
$_role = AutoModeler_ORM::factory('role')->load(db::select()->where('name', '=', $role))->id;
// If the user doesn't have the role
if ( ! $user->has('roles', $_role))
// Set the status false and get outta here
$status = FALSE;
// Single role to check
if ( ! is_numeric($role))
// Load the role
$role = AutoModeler_ORM::factory('role')->load(db::select()->where('name', '=', $role))->id;
// Check that the user has the given role
$status = $user->has('roles', $role);
return $status;
* Logs a user in.
* @param string username
* @param string password
* @param boolean enable autologin
* @return boolean
protected function _login($user, $password, $remember)
if ( ! is_object($user))
$username = $user;
// Load the user
$user = new Model_User($username);
// If the passwords match, perform a login
if ($user->has('roles', 1) AND $user->password === $password)
if ($remember === TRUE)
// Create a new autologin token
$token = AutoModeler_ORM::factory('user_token');
// Set token data
$token->user_id = $user->id;
$token->expires = time() + $this->_config['lifetime'];
// Set the autologin cookie
Cookie::set('authautologin', $token->token, $this->_config['lifetime']);
// Finish the login
return TRUE;
// Login failed
return FALSE;
* Forces a user to be logged in, without specifying a password.
* @param mixed username string, or user ORM object
* @return boolean
public function force_login($user)
if ( ! is_object($user))
$username = $user;
// Load the user
$user = AutoModeler_ORM::factory('user');
$user = $user->load(db::select()->where($user->unique_key($username), '=', $username));
// Mark the session as forced, to prevent users from changing account information
$this->_session->set('auth_forced', TRUE);
// Run the standard completion
* Logs a user in, based on the authautologin cookie.
* @return mixed
public function auto_login()
if ($token = Cookie::get('authautologin'))
// Load the token and user
$token = AutoModeler_ORM::factory('user_token')->load(db::select()->where('token', '=', $token));
if ($token->loaded() AND $token->user->loaded())
if ($token->user_agent === sha1(Request::$user_agent))
// Save the token to create a new unique token
// Set the new token
Cookie::set('authautologin', $token->token, $token->expires - time());
// Complete the login with the found data
// Automatic login was successful
return $token->user;
// Token is invalid
return FALSE;
* Gets the currently logged in user from the session (with auto_login check).
* Returns FALSE if no user is currently logged in.
* @return mixed
public function get_user($default = FALSE)
$user = parent::get_user($default);
if ($user === FALSE)
// check for "remembered" login
$user = $this->auto_login();
return $user;
* Log a user out and remove any autologin cookies.
* @param boolean completely destroy the session
* @param boolean remove all tokens for user
* @return boolean
public function logout($destroy = FALSE, $logout_all = FALSE)
// Set by force_login()
if ($token = Cookie::get('authautologin'))
// Delete the autologin cookie to prevent re-login
// Clear the autologin token from the database
$token = AutoModeler_ORM::factory('user_token')->load(db::select()->where('token', '=', $token));
if ($token->loaded() AND $logout_all)
AutoModeler_ORM::factory('user_token')->load(db::select()->where('user_id', '=', $token->user_id))->remove_all();
elseif ($token->loaded())
return parent::logout($destroy);
* Get the stored password for a username.
* @param mixed username string, or user ORM object
* @return string
public function password($user)
if ( ! is_object($user))
$username = $user;
// Load the user
$user = new Model_User($username);
return $user->password;
* Complete the login for a user by incrementing the logins and setting
* session data: user_id, username, roles.
* @param object user object
* @return void
protected function complete_login($user)
return parent::complete_login($user);
* Compare password with original (hashed). Works for current (logged in) user
* @param string $password
* @return boolean
public function check_password($password)
$user = $this->get_user();
if ($user === FALSE)
// nothing to compare
return FALSE;
$hash = $this->hash($password);
return $hash == $user->password;
} // End Auth Automodeler ORM
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