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Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
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cron = require('cron').CronJob
request = require 'request'
cities =
"横浜": "140010"
"金沢": "170010"
apiUrl = ''
sendBadForecast = (robot, label, id) ->
request apiUrl + id, (err, response, body) ->
if err
robot.logger.debug "Weather Alert Request error: #{err}"
if response.statusCode is 200 # 取得成功
json = JSON.parse body
catch e
robot.logger.debug "JSON parse error: #{e}"
# 明日の予報データを取得
forecast = json.forecasts[json.forecasts.length-2]
# 雨とか雪の日だったら
if forecast.telop.indexOf('雨') isnt -1 or forecast.telop.indexOf('雪') isnt -1
text = "明日の#{label}の天気悪そうです...\n" +
"予報:#{forecast.telop}\n" +
"最高気温:#{forecast.temperature.max.celsius}℃\n" +
"最低気温:#{forecast.temperature.min.celsius}℃\n" +
"詳しい情報は下記を参照\n\n" +
robot.send {room: "experiment"}, text
module.exports = (robot) ->
job = new cron '30 23 * * *', () =>
for key, value of cities
sendBadForecast robot, key, value
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