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Created August 25, 2015 07:47
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<script>var large_image_prob = {select:Large Images};</script>
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* onScreen.js
* Checks if matched elements are inside the viewport.
* Copyright onScreen Contributors, 2013 Licensed under the MIT license:
* You can find a list of contributors at:
(function($) {
$.fn.onScreen = function(options) {
var params = $.extend({
container: window,
direction: 'vertical',
toggleClass: null,
doIn: null,
doOut: null,
tolerance: 0,
throttle: null,
lazyAttr: null,
debug: false
}, options);
return this.each(function() {
var isOnScreen = false; // Initialize boolean
var scrollTop; // Initialize Vertical Scroll Position
var scrollLeft; // Initialize Horizontal Scroll Position
var $el = $(this); // Matched element
// Initialize Viewport dimensions
var $container;
var containerHeight;
var containerWidth;
var containerBottom;
var containerRight;
// Initialize element dimensions & position
var elHeight;
var elWidth;
var elTop;
var elLeft;
// Checks if params.container is the Window Object
var containerIsWindow = $.isWindow(params.container);
function verticalIn() {
if (containerIsWindow) {
return elTop < containerBottom - params.tolerance &&
scrollTop < (elTop + elHeight) - params.tolerance;
} else {
return elTop < containerHeight - params.tolerance &&
elTop > (-elHeight) + params.tolerance;
function verticalOut() {
if (containerIsWindow) {
return elTop + (elHeight - params.tolerance) < scrollTop ||
elTop > containerBottom - params.tolerance;
} else {
return elTop > containerHeight - params.tolerance ||
-elHeight + params.tolerance > elTop;
function horizontalIn() {
if (containerIsWindow) {
return elLeft < containerRight - params.tolerance &&
scrollLeft < (elLeft + elWidth) - params.tolerance;
} else {
return elLeft < containerWidth - params.tolerance &&
elLeft > (-elWidth) + params.tolerance;
function horizontalOut() {
if (containerIsWindow) {
return elLeft + (elWidth - params.tolerance) < scrollLeft ||
elLeft > containerRight - params.tolerance;
} else {
return elLeft > containerWidth - params.tolerance ||
-elWidth + params.tolerance > elLeft;
function directionIn() {
if (isOnScreen) {
return false;
if (params.direction === 'horizontal') {
return horizontalIn();
} else {
return verticalIn();
function directionOut() {
if (!isOnScreen) {
return false;
if (params.direction === 'horizontal') {
return horizontalOut();
} else {
return verticalOut();
function throttle(fn, timeout, ctx) {
var timer, args, needInvoke;
return function() {
args = arguments;
needInvoke = true;
ctx = ctx || this;
if(!timer) {
(function() {
if(needInvoke) {
fn.apply(ctx, args);
needInvoke = false;
timer = setTimeout(arguments.callee, timeout);
else {
timer = null;
var checkPos = function(){
// Make container relative
if (!containerIsWindow && $(params.container).css('position') === 'static') {
$(params.container).css('position', 'relative');
// Update Viewport dimensions
$container = $(params.container);
containerHeight = $container.height();
containerWidth = $container.width();
containerBottom = $container.scrollTop() + containerHeight;
containerRight = $container.scrollLeft() + containerWidth;
// Update element dimensions & position
elHeight = $el.outerHeight(true);
elWidth = $el.outerWidth(true);
if (containerIsWindow) {
var offset = $el.offset();
elTop =;
elLeft = offset.left;
} else {
var position = $el.position();
elTop =;
elLeft = position.left;
// Update scroll position
scrollTop = $container.scrollTop();
scrollLeft = $container.scrollLeft();
// This will spam A LOT of messages in your console
if (params.debug) {
'Container: ' + params.container + '
' +
'Width: ' + containerHeight + '
' +
'Height: ' + containerWidth + '
' +
'Bottom: ' + containerBottom + '
' +
'Right: ' + containerRight
'Matched element: ' + ($el.attr('class') !== undefined ? $el.prop('tagName').toLowerCase() + '.' + $el.attr('class') : $el.prop('tagName').toLowerCase()) + '
' +
'Left: ' + elLeft + '
' +
'Top: ' + elTop + '
' +
'Width: ' + elWidth + '
' +
'Height: ' + elHeight
if (directionIn()) {
if (params.toggleClass) {
if ($.isFunction(params.doIn)) {$el[0]);
if (params.lazyAttr && $el.prop('tagName') === 'IMG') {
var lazyImg = $el.attr(params.lazyAttr);
if (lazyImg !== $el.prop('src')) {
background: 'url(' + params.lazyPlaceholder + ') 50% 50% no-repeat',
minHeight: '5px',
minWidth: '16px'
$el.prop('src',lazyImg).load(function() {
background: 'none'
isOnScreen = true;
else if (directionOut()) {
if (params.toggleClass) {
if ($.isFunction(params.doOut)) {$el[0]);
isOnScreen = false;
if (window.location.hash) {
throttle(checkPos, 50);
} else {
if (params.throttle) {
checkPos = throttle(checkPos, params.throttle);
// Attach checkPos
$(params.container).on('scroll resize', checkPos);
// Since <div>s don't have a resize event, we have
// to attach checkPos to the window object as well
if (!containerIsWindow) {
$(window).on('resize', checkPos);
// Module support
if (typeof module === 'object' && module && typeof module.exports === 'object') {
// Node.js module pattern
module.exports = jQuery;
} else {
// AMD
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
define('jquery-onscreen', [], function() { return jQuery; });
var AKKKI = function(){};
// TRUE = SP
function Obsrv(){
console.log('AKKKI Obsrv')
this.breakpoint = 768;
this.status = $(window).width() > this.breakpoint;
Obsrv.prototype.set = function(v){
console.log('AKKKI set')
var st = v > this.breakpoint;
if(st !== this.status){
$('#list article').addClass('resize');
$('#list article').addClass('resize');
this.status = st;
var obsv = new Obsrv();
obsv.set( $(this).width() )
if($(window).scrollTop() > 1){
var msnry;
function activateMasonry(){
console.log('AKKKI activateMasonry')
msnry = new Masonry(document.querySelector('#list'), {
"columnWidth": ".grid-sizer",
"itemSelector": ".item",
"transitionDuration": 0
msnry.on( 'layoutComplete', function( msnryInstance, laidOutItems ){
$('#list article').removeClass('resize');
function bindOnscreen(){
console.log('AKKKI bindOnscreen')
// onscreen
$('#list article').onScreen({
direction: 'vertical',
doIn: function() {
$('.image img', this).css('visibility', 'visible');
doOut: function() {
$('.image img', this).css('visibility', 'hidden');
tolerance: -10,
throttle: 10,
toggleClass: 'active',
lazyAttr: null,
lazyPlaceholder: '',
debug: false
AKKKI.classify = function(){
console.log('AKKKI classify')
$('#list .item').not('.pos_fix').each(function(i){
if(Math.random() < large_image_prob && $(this).hasClass('photo')){
AKKKI.append = function(first){
console.log('AKKKI append')
// if($('#list').length === 0) return false;
function promise(){
var dfd = $.Deferred();
$('#list .item').each(function(){
if(first) promise();
document.querySelector('#list'), function () {
if($('#list').length !== 0){
// e.preventDefault();
"visibility": "visible"
"z-index": 0,
"visibility": "hidden"
// callback function
infinite_append: function() {
console.log('AKKKI infinite_append')
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this.bindFunction = function (caller, object) {
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// Infinite Scroll
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function init() {
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init: init
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