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Created March 5, 2014 23:25
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This script automatically tests a REST API web service with/without user credentials via user supplied input.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'net/http'; require 'open-uri'; require 'base64'; require 'rainbow'; #require 'nokogiri'
# This script automatically tests a REST API web service with/without user credentials via user supplied input.
def banner()
print """
_____ ____
<----,\ -- )
<--==\\ -/ Web Test v0.0.1 Locked, stocked, and 100% bacon.... <////~
.-~~~~-.Y|\\_ by Rick Flores @nanotechz9l
@_/ / 66\_ 0xnanoquetz9l[--at--]
| \ \ _('')
\ /-| ||'--' Automation station!
\_\ \_\\_\
prompt = 'web_test: '
url, xml_user, user, pass = ARGV[0..3]
puts "I can test a web service automatically for you. Before we start, I need to ask you a few questions."#.foreground(:cyan).bright
puts "What URL would you like me to test? Please include the port number as shown below."#.foreground(:red).bright
puts "Example: http://localhost:9944/security/sessions\n\n"#.foreground(:red).bright
print prompt
url = STDIN.gets.chomp()
# Rest API Server
uri = URI.parse(url)
req =, uri.port)
# HTTP Body data
puts "\n\nWhat XML PropertyList username would like to test (example: admin, test, unknown...)?"#.foreground(:red).bright
print prompt
xml_user = STDIN.gets.chomp()
# Username
puts "\n\n(USERNAME) for #{url}?"#.foreground(:red).bright
print prompt
user = STDIN.gets.chomp()
# Password
puts "\n\n(PASSWORD) for #{url}?\n\n"#.foreground(:red).bright
print prompt
pass = STDIN.gets.chomp()
# Start test:
puts "Starting test on : #{url}\n"
puts "Sci:propval using : #{xml_user}\n"
puts "Logging in with Username : #{user}\n"
puts "Logging in with Password : #{pass}\n\n"
# XML PropertyList
xml_data = %{<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<sci:data xmlns:sci="" object="t3rm.PropertyList.1">
<sci:propval name="username">#{xml_user}</sci:propval>
# Header: Creds to get an X-Pilot-Session
# Refactored:
#user_and_pass = "#{user}" + ':' + "#{pass}"
#base64user_and_pass = Base64.encode64(user_and_pass)
base64user_and_pass = Base64.encode64("#{ user }:#{ pass }")
# Refactor notes: user, pass and url are already strings, so sticking them inside a string and interpolating their values is a waste of CPU.
# As developers we need to be aware of our data-types.
# POST method
res =
'Content-Type' => 'text/xml',
'Content-Length' => xml_data.length.to_s,
'Authorization' => "Basic #{base64user_and_pass}",
"Connection" => "keep-alive",
'User-Agent' => 'Happy New Year from TAO NSA!'
#puts "Parsing XML output!"
puts res.body
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