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Created May 14, 2019 15:18
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// Date: 2010-06-21
// Author: Emden R. Gansner
// From: []
double tw[node_t]; // width of tree rooted at node
double nw[node_t]; // width of node
double xoff[node_t]; // x offset of root from left side of its tree
double sp = 36; // extra space between left and right subtrees
double wd, w, w1, w2;
double x, y, z;
edge_t e1, e2;
node_t n;
$.bb = "";
$tvtype=TV_postfwd; // visit root after all children visited
N {
sscanf ($.width, "%f", &w);
w *= 72; // convert inches to points
nw[$] = w;
if ($.outdegree == 0) {
tw[$] = w;
xoff[$] = w/2.0;
else if ($.outdegree == 1) {
e1 = fstout($);
w1 = tw[e1.head];
tw[$] = w1 + (sp+w)/2.0;
if (e1.side == "left")
xoff[$] = tw[$] - w/2.0;
xoff[$] = w/2.0;
else {
e1 = fstout($);
w1 = tw[e1.head];
e2 = nxtout(e1);
w2 = tw[e2.head];
wd = w1 + w2 + sp;
if (w > wd)
wd = w;
tw[$] = wd;
xoff[$] = w1 + sp/2.0;
$tvtype=TV_fwd; // visit root first, then children
N {
if ($.indegree == 0) {
sscanf ($.pos, "%f,%f", &x, &y);
$.pos = sprintf("0,%f", y);
if ($.outdegree == 0) return;
sscanf ($.pos, "%f,%f", &x, &y);
wd = tw[$];
e1 = fstout($);
n = e1.head;
sscanf (n.pos, "%f,%f", &z, &y);
if ($.outdegree == 1) {
if (e1.side == "left")
n.pos = sprintf("%f,%f", x - tw[n] - sp/2.0 + xoff[n], y);
n.pos = sprintf("%f,%f", x + sp/2.0 + xoff[n], y);
else {
n.pos = sprintf("%f,%f", x - tw[n] - sp/2.0 + xoff[n], y);
e2 = nxtout(e1);
n = e2.head;
sscanf (n.pos, "%f,%f", &z, &y);
n.pos = sprintf("%f,%f", x + sp/2.0 + xoff[n], y);
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