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Created July 14, 2022 08:55
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import { SetStateAction, useCallback, useReducer, useRef } from 'react';
// useControlValue
// 同时处理受控和非受控组件
// based on
function useControlValue<V = any>(props: Record<string, any> = {}) {
const isControlled = 'value' in props;
// value
const value = useRef<V>();
const hasValueInit = useRef(false);
if (isControlled && value.current !== props.value) {
value.current = props.value;
} else if (!hasValueInit.current) {
value.current = props.defaultValue;
hasValueInit.current = true;
// setValue
const [, uncontrolledUpdate] = useReducer((s) => !s, false);
const onChangeRef = useRef(props.onChange);
onChangeRef.current = props.onChange;
const setValue = useCallback(
(v: SetStateAction<V>) => {
value.current = v instanceof Function ? v(value.current as V) : v;
if (!isControlled) uncontrolledUpdate();
return [value.current, setValue] as const;
export default useControlValue;
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