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Created May 31, 2012 13:21
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Connectivity Simulation
sim <- function(i, neighbor = 3) {
relate = t(replicate(41, sample(1:41, neighbor))) # 随机生成各节点的邻居
mzqidx = setdiff(16:41, setdiff(unique(as.vector(relate[1:15, ])), 1:15)) # 正向没中枪行的下标
if(length(mzqidx) > 0) { # 仅处理存在没中枪行的情况
mzq = relate[mzqidx, ] # 取出正向没中枪的行组成矩阵
if(is.vector(mzq) == TRUE) { # 处理只有单行没中枪的情况 同样做成矩阵
mzq = t(as.matrix(relate[mzqidx, ]))
zqx = sapply(apply(mzq, 1, intersect, 1:15), length) # 统计反向中枪情况
if (any(zqx == 0)) {
else {
result = sapply(1:1e+5, sim, 2)
# 0 1
# 346 99654
result = sapply(1:1e+5, sim)
# 0 1
# 11331 88669
result = sapply(1:1e+5, sim, 4)
# 0 1
# 43101 56844
result = sapply(1:1e+5, sim, 5)
# 0 1
# 71506 27442
result = sapply(1:1e+5, sim, 6)
# 0 1
# 83197 10649
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