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Nan Xiao nanxstats

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nanxstats / connectivity.R
Created May 31, 2012 13:21
Connectivity Simulation
sim <- function(i, neighbor = 3) {
relate = t(replicate(41, sample(1:41, neighbor))) # 随机生成各节点的邻居
mzqidx = setdiff(16:41, setdiff(unique(as.vector(relate[1:15, ])), 1:15)) # 正向没中枪行的下标
if(length(mzqidx) > 0) { # 仅处理存在没中枪行的情况
mzq = relate[mzqidx, ] # 取出正向没中枪的行组成矩阵
if(is.vector(mzq) == TRUE) { # 处理只有单行没中枪的情况 同样做成矩阵
mzq = t(as.matrix(relate[mzqidx, ]))
zqx = sapply(apply(mzq, 1, intersect, 1:15), length) # 统计反向中枪情况
if (any(zqx == 0)) {
nanxstats / test.R
Created September 30, 2012 16:03
R Code for Reading HTML Tables with XML
pg1 = ''
pg2 = ''
pg3 = ''
pg4 = ''
url1 = htmlTreeParse(pg1, useInternal = TRUE)
url2 = htmlTreeParse(pg2, useInternal = TRUE)
url3 = htmlTreeParse(pg3, useInternal = TRUE)
nanxstats / parse.R
Created September 30, 2012 16:43
Simple XML Parsing
doc = xmlParse('score.xml',
useInternal = TRUE, encoding = 'utf-8')
tab = data.frame(name = sapply(getNodeSet(doc, path = "//ROW//XM"), xmlValue),
mail = sapply(getNodeSet(doc, path = "//ROW//DZYX"), xmlValue),
phone = sapply(getNodeSet(doc, path = "//ROW//LXDH"), xmlValue))
nanxstats / ord.R
Created October 24, 2012 12:24
R function to convert a string into a vector of its ASCII numbers
ord <- function(x) {
s <- x[1]
intbits <- .Machine$sizeof.long * 4
bits <- raw(nchar(s) * intbits)
r <- charToRaw(x)
idx <- if (.Platform$endian == "little") 1:8 else 25:32
for (i in 1:nchar(s)) {
bits[idx + ((i - 1) * intbits)] <- rawToBits(r[i])
nanxstats / mg.csv
Created December 7, 2012 07:16
libsvm regression dataset - mg
We can make this file beautiful and searchable if this error is corrected: It looks like row 10 should actually have 7 columns, instead of 6. in line 9.
1.1335086e+00, 1.0653587e+00, 8.4250325e-01, 7.0782984e-01, 1.0178784e+00, 1.2476827e+00, 9.0000000e-01
1.1645714e+00, 1.1355961e+00, 5.5885374e-01, 7.9370192e-01, 1.0346794e+00, 1.0067861e+00, 9.0000000e-01
1.0315895e+00, 1.1533842e+00, 4.2572016e-01, 1.0558440e+00, 1.1640420e+00, 7.1297054e-01, 9.0000000e-01
7.9058261e-01, 1.0678134e+00, 7.5043060e-01, 1.2000510e+00, 1.0670009e+00, 5.0349420e-01, 9.4136145e-01
6.3878936e-01, 8.1349649e-01, 9.7291951e-01, 1.2998549e+00, 1.0026658e+00, 5.8392542e-01, 1.1188041e+00
6.4385427e-01, 6.6246660e-01, 9.3785503e-01, 1.1857500e+00, 7.7000347e-01, 9.4327347e-01, 1.2161867e+00
9.7290237e-01, 6.2210481e-01, 1.0653587e+00, 8.4250325e-01, 7.0782984e-01, 1.0178784e+00, 1.2476827e+00
1.1330941e+00, 9.3890430e-01, 1.1355961e+00, 5.5885374e-01, 7.9370192e-01, 1.0346794e+00, 1.0067861e+00
1.1738960e+00, 1.1287058e+00, 1.1533842e+00, 4.2572016e-01, 1.0558440e+00, 1.1640420e+00, 7.1297054e-01
1.2210669e+00, 1.1699535e+00, 1.0678134e+00, 7.5043060e-01, 1.2000510e+00, 1.0670009e+00
x = read.csv('')[, -1]
x$time = as.POSIXct(x$time, format = '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S', tz = 'GMT+8')
# 7cha18 6cha4376 4cha3875 8cha083 4cha698
# 1511 1238 1100 695 533
# 1cha65314 2cha1 5cha80 3cha4233
# 440 380 354 304 300
x$time = as.factor(as.Date(x$time, tz = 'GMT+8'))
# 6cha4376 4cha3875 7cha18 4cha698
nanxstats / qiegao.text
Created December 24, 2012 05:26
ASCII Qie Gao via: redis-server launch screen
_.-``__ ''-._
_.-`` `. `_. ''-._
.-`` __ ```\/ __ ''-._
( `. `_. `. ``_. )
|`-._ ```\/` __ ```\/ _.-'|
| `-._ `. `_. _.-' |
`-._ `-._ ```\/` _.-' _.-'
|`-._`-._ `-.__.-' _.-'_.-'|
| `-._`-._ _.-'_.-' |
url = ''
doc = getURL(url)
txt = fromJSON(doc)$commands[[1]]$parameters$content
tab = readHTMLTable(htmlParse(txt, encoding = 'utf-8'))[[1]]
x = read.csv(textConnection('


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