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Created January 25, 2012 08:20
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Configuration file for the HTS/OpenJTalk acoustic model (ATR-503 m001, Japanese)
# Configuration file for
# Copyright (c) Sunao HARA, Shikano Lab., NAIST/JAPAN
# Last Modified: 2012/01/25 14:03:44.
## WAVE synthesis Parameters (Recommended)
# -s i : sampling frequency [16000][ 1--48000]
# -p i : frame period (point) [ 80][ 1--]
# -a f : all-pass constant [ 0.42][ 0.0--1.0]
# -z i : audio buffer size [ 1600][ 0--48000]
# -g i : gamma = -1 / i (if i=0 then gamma=0) [ 0][ 0-- ]
# -b f : postfiltering coefficient [ 0.0][-0.8--0.8]
# -l : regard input as log gain and output linear one (LSP) [ N/A]
# -u f : voiced/unvoiced threshold [ 0.5][ 0.0--1.0]
-s 48000 -p 240 -a 0.55
## Acoustic models and Parameters (Mandatory)
# -td tree : decision trees file for state duration [ N/A]
-td $VOICEDIR/tree-dur.inf
# -tm tree : decision trees file for spectrum [ N/A]
-tm $VOICEDIR/tree-mgc.inf
# -tf tree : decision trees file for Log F0 [ N/A]
-tf $VOICEDIR/tree-lf0.inf
# -md pdf : model file for state duration [ N/A]
-md $VOICEDIR/dur.pdf
# -mm pdf : model file for spectrum [ N/A]
-mm $VOICEDIR/mgc.pdf
# -mf pdf : model file for Log F0 [ N/A]
-mf $VOICEDIR/lf0.pdf
# -dm win : window files for calculation delta of spectrum [ N/A]
-dm $VOICEDIR/mgc.win1 -dm $VOICEDIR/mgc.win2 -dm $VOICEDIR/mgc.win3
# -df win : window files for calculation delta of Log F0 [ N/A]
-df $VOICEDIR/lf0.win1 -df $VOICEDIR/lf0.win2 -df $VOICEDIR/lf0.win3
## Low pass filter (Optional)
# -tl tree : decision trees file for low-pass filter [ N/A]
-tl $VOICEDIR/tree-lpf.inf
# -ml pdf : model file for low-pass filter [ N/A]
-ml $VOICEDIR/lpf.pdf
# -dl win : window files for calculation delta of low-pass filter [ N/A]
-dl $VOICEDIR/lpf.win1
## Global Variance (Optional)
# -em tree : decision tree file for GV of spectrum [ N/A]
-em $VOICEDIR/tree-gv-mgc.inf
# -ef tree : decision tree file for GV of Log F0 [ N/A]
-ef $VOICEDIR/tree-gv-lf0.inf
# -el tree : decision tree file for GV of low-pass filter [ N/A]
#-el $VOICEDIR/?.inf
# -cm pdf : filename of GV for spectrum [ N/A]
-cm $VOICEDIR/gv-mgc.pdf
# -cf pdf : filename of GV for Log F0 [ N/A]
-cf $VOICEDIR/gv-lf0.pdf
# -cl pdf : filename of GV for low-pass filter [ N/A]
#-cl $VOICEDIR/?.pdf
# -jm f : weight of GV for spectrum [ 1.0][ 0.0--2.0]
-jm 1.0
# -jf f : weight of GV for Log F0 [ 1.0][ 0.0--2.0]
-jf 1.0
# -jl f : weight of GV for low-pass filter [ 1.0][ 0.0--2.0]
-jl 1.0
# -k tree : use GV switch [ N/A]
-k $VOICEDIR/gv-switch.inf
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