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Last active April 8, 2019 11:21
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#!env perl
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME - サイボウズLiveの添付ファイルを取得する
# 1. Prepare download directory
$ mkdir download
# 2. Create/edit config file
$ vi
# Authentication
'username' => '', # サイボウズLiveのアカウント、空白にすると端末から入力できる
'password' => '', # サイボウズLiveのパスワード、空白にすると端末から入力できる
'oauth' => {
'consumer_key' => '', # 開発者サイトで登録してから入力する
'consumer_secret' => ''
'terminal_encoding' => 'utf8',
'group_id' => '', # グループのID。アクセスしたときのURLの数字から読み取る(1_0123456など)
# 3-1. Run the script (... download attachment file from 0 to 99)
$ perl 0
# 3-2. Run the script (... download attachment file from 100 to 199)
$ perl 100
use utf8;
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature ':5.10';
use Encode;
use Data::Dumper;
use Term::ReadKey;
use WWW::Mechanize;
use HTML::TreeBuilder::XPath;
use OAuth::Lite;
use OAuth::Lite::Consumer;
use XML::FeedPP;
my $cb_config = require '';
my $g_terminal_encoding = $cb_config->{'terminal_encoding'} || "cp932";
my $oauth_token_url = '';
my $login_url = '';
my $g_download_url = '';
my $g_file_detail_url = '';
my $username = $cb_config->{username} || get_tty_username();
my $password = $cb_config->{password} || get_tty_password();
my $start_id = shift || 0;
## Authentication for Web-browser
my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new();
$mech->get( $login_url );
fields => {
loginMailAddress => $username,
password => $password,
## Authentication for API
my $consumer = OAuth::Lite::Consumer->new(
consumer_key => $cb_config->{oauth}->{'consumer_key'},
consumer_secret => $cb_config->{oauth}->{'consumer_secret'},
my $res = $consumer->obtain_access_token(
url => $oauth_token_url,
params => {
x_auth_username => $username,
x_auth_password => $password,
x_auth_mode => "client_auth",
unless($res) {
say "Failed to get access token";
die dump($consumer->oauth_response);
say " TOKEN: " . $res->token->token;
say " SECRET: ". $res->token->secret;
my $group_id_colon = $cb_config->{group_id};
my $group_id_url = $cb_config->{group_id};
$group_id_colon =~ s/_/:/;
$group_id_url =~ s/:/_/;
$g_download_url =~ s/_GROUP_ID_/$group_id_url/;
$g_file_detail_url =~ s/_GROUP_ID_/$group_id_url/;
## Find attachment files
my $res2 = $consumer->request(
method => "GET",
url => "",
token => $res->token,
params => {
group => $group_id_colon,
'cabinet-folder' => 'ATTACH',
'start-index' => $start_id, # TODO: MAKE AS LOOP!!
'max-results' => '100' # max should be "< 100"
die "Error!!" unless($res2->is_success);
## Download attachment files
my $feed = XML::FeedPP->new($res2->decoded_content||$res2->content);
foreach my $item ( $feed->get_item() ) {
my $id = encode($g_terminal_encoding, $item->guid() );
my $title = encode($g_terminal_encoding, $item->title() );
my $filename = encode($g_terminal_encoding, $item->get('cblCbnt:fileName') );
print "ID: " . $id . "\n";
print " Title: " . $title . "\n";
print " Filename: " . $filename . "\n";
my %id_hash = split(/,/, $id);
print " CID: " . $id_hash{CABINET} . "\n";
my $file_cid = $id_hash{CABINET};
$file_cid =~ s/^1\://;
my $new_dir = prepare_download_directory($mech, $file_cid, $group_id_url);
$g_download_url . $file_cid,
':content_file' => $new_dir . '/' . $filename
# last; # for debug
exit 0;
sub prepare_download_directory {
my $mech = shift;
my $cid = shift;
my $gid = shift;
# my $file_detail_url = ''.$gid.'/gwCabinet/view?cid=' . $cid;
my $file_detail_url = $g_file_detail_url . $cid;
my $tree= HTML::TreeBuilder::XPath->new;
$tree->parse($mech->content()) or die "parsing failed";
my $node = $tree->findnodes( '//div[@class="attachmentLinkSource"]/a' )->[0];
my $text = encode($g_terminal_encoding, $node->as_text() );
my $href = encode($g_terminal_encoding, $node->attr('href') );
print "FILE_DETAIL: " . $text . "\t" . $href . "\n";
my $new_dir_name = encode($g_terminal_encoding, $mech->title() );
## trim 1 hyphens from its tail...
$new_dir_name =~ s/ \-[^\-]*$//;
$new_dir_name =~ tr|/:|__|;
$new_dir_name = 'download/' . $new_dir_name;
print $new_dir_name;
mkdir $new_dir_name;
open my $fh, '>', $new_dir_name . '/index.html';
binmode $fh;
print $fh encode('utf8', $mech->content());
close $fh;
return $new_dir_name;
sub get_tty_password {
print "Password: ";
ReadMode "noecho";
chomp( my $line = ReadLine 0 );
ReadMode "restore";
print "\n";
#print STDERR "input: $line\n";
return $line;
sub get_tty_username {
print "Username(E-mail): ";
ReadMode "normal";
chomp( my $line = ReadLine 0 );
print "\n";
print STDERR "input: $line\n";
return $line;
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