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Last active May 14, 2024 12:44
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here =, lng_B)
# 90度方向に100m移動したあとの地点
there = here.move(distance: 100, heading: 90)
class Position
attr_accessor :latitude, :longitude
# 地球の半径
EARTH_RADIUS = 6378150
def initialize(latitude, longitude)
@latitude = latitude
@longitude = longitude
def move(distance: 0, heading: 0)
# 緯線上の移動距離
latitude_distance = distance * Math.cos(heading * Math::PI / 180)
# 1mあたりの緯度
earth_circle = 2 * Math::PI * EARTH_RADIUS
latitude_per_meter = 360 / earth_circle
# 緯度の変化量
latitude_delta = latitude_distance * latitude_per_meter
new_latitude = @latitude + latitude_delta
# 経線上の移動距離
longitude_distance = distance * Math.sin(heading * Math::PI / 180)
# 1mあたりの経度
earth_radius_at_longitude = EARTH_RADIUS * Math.cos(new_latitude * Math::PI / 180)
earth_circle_at_longitude = 2 * Math::PI * earth_radius_at_longitude
longitude_per_meter = 360 / earth_circle_at_longitude
# 経度の変化量
longitude_delta = longitude_distance * longitude_per_meter, @longitude + longitude_delta)
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