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Forked from jeffrafter/env.rb
Created February 9, 2009 21:58
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ENV["RAILS_ENV"] = "test"
require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../config/environment')
require 'shoulda'
require 'webrat'
require 'factory_girl'
require 'test/factories/clearance'
require 'clearance/../../shoulda_macros/clearance'
require 'cucumber/rails/world'
Webrat.configure do |config|
config.mode = :rails
module CucumberWorldExtension
# This may be overkill, but it cleans everything up nicely. If you wanted to
# You could just use specific fixtures in tests. You could even stub the
# fixtures method in your world
# def fixtures(*args)
# Test::Unit::TestCase.fixtures args
# end
Test::Unit::TestCase.fixtures :all
def login_user(email, password)
post "/login", {:session => { :email => email, :password => password }}
@user = @controller.current_user
def logout_user
get "/logout"
@user = nil
# This is pretty dangerous because you really have to make sure you have a
# user to use this properly maintaining an instance variable across steps can
# sometimes lead to very brittle steps
def me
World do |world|
Feature: Logging in
As a user
I want to login with my details
So that I can configure the server
Scenario: User is not logged in
Given no current user
When I access a page
Then the login form should be shown
And I should not be authorized
Scenario: User enters wrong password
Given a registered user with the email "" with password "doughnuts" exists
And I am on the "/login" page
When I fill in "email" with ""
And I fill in "password" with "ticklemeelmo"
And I press "Sign in"
Then the login form should be shown
And I should see "Bad email or password"
And I should not be signed in
Scenario: User is registered and enters correct password
Given a registered user with the email "" with password "doughnuts" exists
And I am on the "/login" page
When I fill in "email" with ""
And I fill in "password" with "doughnuts"
And I press "Sign in"
Then the login form should be shown
And I should see "User has not confirmed email"
And I should not be authorized
And I should not be signed in
Scenario: User is confirmed and enters correct password
Given a confirmed user with the email "" with password "doughnuts" exists
And I am on the "/login" page
When I fill in "email" with ""
And I fill in "password" with "doughnuts"
And I press "Sign in"
Then I should be redirected to "/"
And I should see "Signed in successfully"
And I should be signed in
Given /^a registered user with the email "(.*)" with password "(.*)" exists$/ do |email, password|
@user = Factory(:registered_user, :email => email, :password => password, :password_confirmation => password)
Given /^a confirmed user with the email "(.*)" with password "(.*)" exists$/ do |email, password|
@user = Factory(:email_confirmed_user, :email => email, :password => password, :password_confirmation => password)
Given /^no current user$/ do
Then /^the login form should be shown$/ do
assert_template "sessions/new"
Then /^I should\s?((?:not)?) be authorized$/ do |present|
assert_response present ? :unauthorized : :success
Then /^I should\s?((?:not)?) be signed in$/ do |present|
assert_equal controller.signed_in?, present.blank?
Given /^I am on the "(.*)" page$/ do |url|
get url
When /^I access a page$/ do
get "/"
Feature: Signup in
As an unregistered user
I want to signup with my details
So that I can login
Scenario: Email is not unique
Given a registered user with the email "" with password "doughnuts" exists
And I am on the "/signup" page
When I fill in "Email" with ""
And I fill in "Password" with "ticklemeelmo"
And I fill in "Verify Password" with "ticklemeelmo"
And I press "Sign up"
Then the signup form should be shown again
And I should see "Email has already been taken"
And I should not be signed in
Scenario: Password is not valid
Given I am on the "/signup" page
When I fill in "Email" with ""
And I fill in "Password" with "ticklemeelmo"
And I fill in "Verify Password" with "doughnuts"
And I press "Sign up"
Then the signup form should be shown again
And I should see "Password doesn't match confirmation"
And I should not be registered
And I should not be signed in
Scenario: Email is unique and password is valid
Given I am on the "/signup" page
When I fill in "Email" with ""
And I fill in "Password" with "ticklemeelmo"
And I fill in "Verify Password" with "ticklemeelmo"
And I press "Sign up"
Then a new user with the email "" should be created
And an email with the subject "account confirmation" should be sent to me
And I should see "You will receive an email within the next few minutes."
And I should not be signed in
Scenario: User not confirmed
Given a registered user with the email "" with password "doughnuts" exists
When I confirm my email
Then I should be redirected to "/"
And I should see "Confirmed email and signed in"
And I should be signed in
Scenario: User already confirmed
Given a confirmed user with the email "" with password "doughnuts" exists
When I confirm my email
Then I should be redirected to "/"
And I should see "Confirmed email and signed in"
And I should be signed in
Scenario: User forgot password
Given a confirmed user with the email "" with password "doughnuts" exists
When I go to the forgot password page
And I fill in "Email" with ""
And I press "Reset Password"
Then an email with the subject "change your password" should be sent to me
And I should see "Details for changing your password have been sent"
And I should not be signed in
When /^I confirm my email$/ do
get "/users/#{}/confirmation/new?salt=#{@user.salt}"
When /^I go to the forgot password page$/ do
get "/passwords/new"
Then /^a new user with the email "(.*)" should be created$/ do |email|
@user = User.find_by_email(email)
assert_not_nil @user
Then /^the signup form should be shown again$/ do
assert_template "users/new"
Then /^I should\s?((?:not)?) be registered$/ do |present|
assert_nil User.find_by_email("")
Then /^an email with the subject "(.*)" should be sent to me$/ do |subject|
assert_sent_email do |email|
@user.blank? ||
email.subject =~ /#{subject}/i
# Commonly used webrat steps
When /^I press "(.*)"$/ do |button|
When /^I follow "(.*)"$/ do |link|
When /^I fill in "(.*)" with "(.*)"$/ do |field, value|
fill_in(field, :with => value)
When /^I select "(.*)" from "(.*)"$/ do |value, field|
select(value, :from => field)
# Use this step in conjunction with Rail's datetime_select helper. For example:
# When I select "December 25, 2008 10:00" as the date and time
When /^I select "(.*)" as the date and time$/ do |time|
# Use this step when using multiple datetime_select helpers on a page or
# you want to specify which datetime to select. Given the following view:
# <%= f.label :preferred %><br />
# <%= f.datetime_select :preferred %>
# <%= f.label :alternative %><br />
# <%= f.datetime_select :alternative %>
# The following steps would fill out the form:
# When I select "November 23, 2004 11:20" as the "Preferred" data and time
# And I select "November 25, 2004 10:30" as the "Alternative" data and time
When /^I select "(.*)" as the "(.*)" date and time$/ do |datetime, datetime_label|
select_datetime(datetime, :from => datetime_label)
# Use this step in conjuction with Rail's time_select helper. For example:
# When I select "2:20PM" as the time
# Note: Rail's default time helper provides 24-hour time-- not 12 hour time. Webrat
# will convert the 2:20PM to 14:20 and then select it.
When /^I select "(.*)" as the time$/ do |time|
# Use this step when using multiple time_select helpers on a page or you want to
# specify the name of the time on the form. For example:
# When I select "7:30AM" as the "Gym" time
When /^I select "(.*)" as the "(.*)" time$/ do |time, time_label|
select_time(time, :from => time_label)
# Use this step in conjuction with Rail's date_select helper. For example:
# When I select "February 20, 1981" as the date
When /^I select "(.*)" as the date$/ do |date|
# Use this step when using multiple date_select helpers on one page or
# you want to specify the name of the date on the form. For example:
# When I select "April 26, 1982" as the "Date of Birth" date
When /^I select "(.*)" as the "(.*)" date$/ do |date, date_label|
select_date(date, :from => date_label)
When /^I check "(.*)"$/ do |field|
When /^I uncheck "(.*)"$/ do |field|
When /^I choose "(.*)"$/ do |field|
When /^I attach the file at "(.*)" to "(.*)" $/ do |path, field|
attach_file(field, path)
Then /^I should see "(.*)"$/ do |text|
assert !!(response.body =~ /#{text}/m), response.body
Then /^I should not see "(.*)"$/ do |text|
assert !!(response.body !~ /#{text}/m), response.body
Then /^the "(.*)" checkbox should be checked$/ do |label|
assert field_labeled(label).checked?
Then /^I should be redirected to "(.*)"$/ do |path|
assert_template path.gsub(/^\//, '')
follow_redirect! if response.redirect?
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