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Created June 30, 2010 08:59
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* A quick example how to generate expression trees using
* the Go programming language.
package main
import (
/* Supported operators. Operators on left have higher priority. */
const ops_set = "/*-+"
type Node struct {
p,value int
left, right *Node
/* PrintTree:
* @node: the tree node that we print
* Print the expression tree in prefix order.
func PrintTree(node *Node) string {
var value string
if node == nil {
return ""
if node.p < 0 {
value = string(node.value + '0')
} else {
value = string(ops_set[node.p])
return PrintTree(node.left) + value + PrintTree(node.right)
func main() {
var expr string = "1+2*3"
var values, ops vector.Vector
var op *Node
println("Original expression: " + expr)
println("Parsing expression ...")
/* We first separate operands and operators in separate queues. */
for i := 0; i < len(expr); i++ {
node := new(Node)
idx := strings.IndexRune(ops_set, int(expr[i]))
if idx != -1 {
node.p = idx;
node.value = int(expr[i])
} else {
node.value = int(expr[i] - '0')
node.p = -1
println("Construction expression tree ...")
/* Now we gradualy empty the two queues and construct the expression tree. */
for ops.Len() > 0 {
op = ops.Pop().(*Node) /* Pop() gives us an iterface, so we have to cast. */
val1 := values.Pop().(*Node)
val2 := values.Pop().(*Node)
if val1 == nil || val2 == nil {
panic("The given expression is faulty")
op.left = val2
op.right = val1
values.Push(op) /* Enqueue the new root back to the values. */
println("Expression from tree: " + PrintTree(op))
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