Hi, I’m Narain! A Full Stack software engineer, Web & Javascript specialist, community speaker, a tech mentor, an open source enthusiast and a freelance consultant passionate about web platform (especially JavaScript).
I recently moved to Italy from Karachi, Pakistan for my master's studies.
I’ve been working with Web Technologies (i.e., PHP & Laravel, Python & Django/Flask, Typescript, Angular, React, RxJS, Node.js, Express.js/Koa2, Loopback, Firebase, Webpack, Docker, etc) since 2015.
I’m a huge fan of test-driven development and maintaining a high standard of code quality by following the market-standards and best-practices. One of my key goals when developing a software is to design it in a way that it’s easy to maintain and scale.
I’ve been part of various projects where I’ve had the range of responsibilities from the development of a user-friendly UI with the help of JavaScript frameworks like Angular/React, well-documented API servers using NodeJS including a secure and scalable deployment of web-applications to cloud services like Amazon AWS.
Moreover, I enjoy speaking in front of a crowd, giving training, mentoring and sharing my knowledge through workshops or presentations at different community events and meetups. In my spare time, I enjoy watching cinemas, reading, traveling, visiting new places, and long walks.
Website | Blog | GitHub | Twitter | LinkedIn | Facebook | Stack Overflow | Youtube | Upwork | PaperCall | Resume
Here're list of my given sessions and talks at different community events and meetups, etc. Please find a link to my YouTube playlist here for all of my sessions videos.
Topic | Links | Venue | Dated | Language |
Understanding the Job Market & Cracking the Interviews | Upcoming | Youtube | Jun 18, 2018 | Urdu |
Introduction to CSS Preprocessors | Slides, Video | Recurship | Dec 26, 2017 | Urdu |
Advanced Angular Routing | Video, Slides, Live Demo, Code | Recurship | Nov 1, 2017 | Urdu |
Advanced Angular Routing | Video, Slides, Live Demo, Code | ngPakistan | Nov 1, 2017 | Urdu |
Building Angular Applications | Video, Slides, Live Demo, Code | ngPakistan | Sep 14, 2017 | Urdu |
Getting Started with Open Source Contribution | Slides, Video | Recurship | Jul 12, 2017 | Urdu |
What's new in Angular4 | Video, Slides, Live Demo, Code | Recurship | Mar 29, 2017 | Urdu |
Debugging Angular2+ Apps | Slides, Video | Recurship | Jan 27, 2017 | Urdu |
Angular2+ End To End Testing | Video, Slides | Recurship | Dec 2, 2016 | Urdu |
Read about the TechKaro program here
I'm an active mentor in all TechKaro mentor-meetups, We give motivation to entry-level students and give them effective feedbacks and code reviews of their different web designing projects and tasks (i.e., 5+ projects in each meetup).
Website: https://nodeschool.io/karachi/
- Meetup#1 - Introducing NodeSchool Karachi Chapter and a hands-on workshop of basic node.js exercises.
- Meetup#2 - mainly focused on "Node.js & REST API's".
Always get a chance to network & meet with some amazing and new tech personalities people locally with node.js expertise and related areas. I always enjoy mentoring there.
Website: http://ng-girls.org/karachi/
- First ever community launched especially for tech women's in Pakistan to invite them in the angular community, teach them to learn angular together and bring them together at a single platform.
- In our first meetup, we Introduced angular to newbies and we did some amazing exercise collaboratively.
- Networking & talk with some amazing tech mentors and the participants too.
Website: https://fcckarachi.github.io/
Speaker at the AngularPakistan Karachi meetups. Got a chance to speak about angular in-front of 50+ people crowd at AngularPakistan meetups and talked on "Introduction to Angular and How to Build applications with Angular" and "Advanced routing in angular" topics.
- Watch my meetup #4 talk Introduction to Angular and How to Build applications with Angular
- Watch my meetup #5 talk Advanced routing in angular
Website: http://devncode.tech/
Recently developed community with a great motive to gather amazing people on a single platform and help tech guys to present themselves in front of a huge audience by polishing their communication and presentation skills. In every meetup unique and advanced topics being presented and discussed by tech guys. Always get a chance to network & meet with new amazing tech people and I enjoy mentoring there.
Github repository of all talks here: https://github.com/recurship/dev-sessions
We have a local community channel developed with the name of Recurship/dev-sessions, all of my talks can be easily found on the following Github repository.
- @angular/cli: update e2e blueprint files - Fixes issue #6767
- @angular/cli: enhances & improves project name validation
- @DefinitelyTyped: fuzzyset.js package small bug fix - Ensure optional params remain optional
- Added Sindhi locale support in moment.js
- Official Angular CLI codebase
- Official Moment.js codebase
- PHP client for the Pinterest API
- Angular 2 Dropdown Multiselect Bootstrap
- Angular2 file upload library, Angular2 file upload library
- ngx-bootstrap - Fast and reliable Bootstrap widgets in Angular
- PUG-Bootstrap - Bootstrap framework written completely using mixins in Pug
- A demo app using a single form over multiple components + dynamic forms rendering using directives and services
- Recurship's dev-sessions and resources
- An Angular v8 data table, with pagination (page numbers and optional input field for pages), sorting, expandable rows, row selection etc.
- A base template codebase for casperjs app running on Amazon (AWS) Lambda
- A base template codebase for phantomjs app running on Amazon (AWS) Lambda
- A minimum server side rendering codebase with Angular v5+ and webpack
- Starter codebase for an API server using Koa2 and Mongoose (MongoDB server) with mock model + testing etc
- Shims to make angular v2 app work on IE9+ browsers
Cheers, Narain.