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Created January 16, 2018 18:54
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  • Save nardev/754ccebd6d31e27b6b2f6fee1f76603d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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'use strict';
const fs = require('fs');
console.log('gzip scripts and files starting');
// gzip/compress js scripts and place them in /data directory
var sys = require('sys')
var exec = require('child_process').exec;
function puts(error, stdout, stderr) { sys.puts(stdout) }
var sourcePath = '/.../files/';
var destinationPath = '/.../data/';
var toGzip = {
hepekJs: ['hepek.js', 'hepek.js.gz'],
jscolorJs:['jscolor.min.js', 'jscolor.min.js.gz'],
jqueryJs:['jquery.js', 'jquery.js.gz'],
hepekCSS: ['hepek.css', 'hepek.css.gz'],
Object.keys(toGzip).forEach(function(key) {
const inFileToGzip = sourcePath+toGzip[key][0];
const outFileToGzip = destinationPath+toGzip[key][1];
console.log(key, inFileToGzip);
console.log(key, outFileToGzip);
exec("gzip -c "+inFileToGzip+" > "+outFileToGzip, puts);
console.log('parsin starting');
var toParse = {
wifimanager: ['wifimanager.template.html', 'wifimanager.template.h'],
settings:['settings.template.html', 'settings.template.h']
Object.keys(toParse).forEach(function(key) {
console.log(key, toParse[key][0]);
console.log(key, toParse[key][1]);
const inFile = toParse[key][0];
const outFile = toParse[key][1];
parseIT(inFile, outFile)
function parseIT(inFile, outFile) {
const defineRegEx = /<!-- ([A-Z_]+) -->/gm;
console.log('parsing', inFile);
fs.readFile(inFile, 'utf8', function (err,data) {
if (err) {
return console.log(err);
let defines = data.match(defineRegEx);
var stream = fs.createWriteStream(outFile);
stream.once('open', function(fd) {
for (const i in defines) {
const start = defines[i];
const end = start.replace('<!-- ', '<!-- /')
defineRegEx.lastIndex = 0;
const constantName = defineRegEx.exec(start)[1];
var extractRE = new RegExp(start + '([\\s\\S]+)' + end, 'gm');
let extractArray = extractRE.exec(data);
if(extractArray.length > 1) {
let def = extractArray[1];
//minimise a bit
def = def.replace(/\s+/g, ' ');
def = def.replace(/>\s+</g, '><');
def = def.trim();
//more extraneous spaces - possible bad results, needs to be checked
//def = def.replace(/(\w)\s(\W)|(\W)\s(\w)|(\W)\s(\W)/g, '$1$2$3$4$5$6');
def = def.replace(/(\w)\s(\W)|(\W)\s(\w)/g, '$1$2$3$4');
//escape double quotes
def = def.replace(/\\([\s\S])|(")/g, "\\$1$2");
//const char HTTP_HEAD[] PROGMEM =
let string = 'const char ' + constantName + '[] PROGMEM';
for (let i = string.length; i < 42; i++) {
string += ' ';
string += '= "' + def + '";\n';
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