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Created February 11, 2014 09:12
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Save nareeboy/8931583 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
GRUNT: Final Compiler
* Grunt task to watch, compile/concate less, concate javascript files during the development process.
* The bulid task also uglyfy javascript and css file and optimize the images.
* @todo: Screenshot on difffeent break points for responsive design
* @todo: Automatic testing
* @author Naresh Shan
* @since 11/02/2014
* @version 1.0
var scripts = [];
var exteranlScripts = [
// 'Src/lib/jquery/jquery-1.10.2.js',
// 'Src/lib/bootstrap/js/affix.js',
// 'Src/lib/bootstrap/js/alert.js',
// 'Src/lib/bootstrap/js/button.js',
// 'Src/lib/bootstrap/js/dropdown.js',
// 'Src/lib/bootstrap/js/scrollspy.js',
// 'Src/lib/bootstrap/js/transition.js',
// 'Src/lib/bootstrap/js/collapse.js',
// 'Src/lib/bootstrap/js/modal.js',
// 'Src/lib/bootstrap/js/tooltip.js',
// 'Src/lib/bootstrap/js/popover.js',
// 'Src/lib/bootstrap/js/tab.js',
var projectScript = [
var initScripts = [
var scripts = exteranlScripts.concat(projectScript,initScripts);
var less = ['Src/less/*.less','Src/less/**/*.less'];
module.exports = function (grunt) {
// Project configuration.
pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
jshint: {
options: {
force: true
all: scripts
concat: {
dist: {
src: scripts,
dest: 'app/assets/js/scripts.js'
uglify: {
min: {
files: {
'app/assets/js/scripts.js': ['app/assets/js/scripts.js']
less: {
development: {
options: {
files: {
"app/assets/css/style.css": 'Src/less/main.less'
production: {
options: {
yuicompress: true
files: {
"app/assets/css/style.css": 'Src/less/main.less'
smushit: {
images: {
src: ['src/img/**/*.{png,jpg,jpeg,gif}']
watch: {
options: {
livereload: true
scripts: {
files: scripts,
tasks: ['jshint', 'concat']
styles: {
files: less,
tasks: ['less:development']
htm: {
files: 'app/*.htm'
connect: {
server: {
options: {
port: 8888,
hostname: '*'
copy: {
main: {
files: [
// includes files within path
{expand: true, src: ['path/*'], dest: 'dest/', filter: 'isFile'},
// includes files within path and its sub-directories
{expand: true, src: ['path/**'], dest: 'dest/'},
// makes all src relative to cwd
{expand: true, cwd: 'path/', src: ['**'], dest: 'dest/'},
// flattens results to a single level
{expand: true, flatten: true, src: ['path/**'], dest: 'dest/', filter: 'isFile'}
open: {
all: {
// Gets the port from the connect configuration
path: 'http://localhost:<%= connect.server.options.port%>/index.htm'
// Development task checks and concatenates JS, compiles Less, runs dev server, and starts watch
grunt.registerTask('default', ['jshint','concat', 'less:development', 'open', 'connect','watch']);
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