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Created May 14, 2020 11:51
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## Data Preprocessing
class TextPreprocessor():
def __init__(self, data_df, column_name=None):
self.data_df = data_df
if not column_name and type(colum_name) == str:
raise Exception("column name is mandatory. Make sure type is string format")
self.column = column_name
self.applied_stopword = False
self.processed_column_name = f"processed_{self.column}"
def convert_lowercase(self):
## fill empty values into empty
## reduce all the columns to lowercase
self.data_df = self.data_df.apply(lambda column: column.astype(str).str.lower(), axis=0)
def remove_question_no(self):
## remove question no
self.data_df[self.column] = self.data_df[self.column].apply(lambda row: re.sub(r'^\d+[.]',' ', row))
def remove_symbols(self):
## remove unwanted character
self.data_df[self.column] = self.data_df[self.column].apply(lambda row: re.sub(r'[^A-Za-z0-9\s]', ' ', row))
def remove_stopwords(self):
## remove stopwords and create a new column
for idx, question in enumerate(self.data_df[self.column]):
self.data_df.loc[idx, self.processed_column_name] = remove_stopwords(question)
def apply_lemmatization(self, perform_stopword):
## get the root words to reduce inflection of words
lemmatizer = WordNetLemmatizer()
## get the column name to perform lemma operation whether stopwords removed text or not
if perform_stopword:
column_name = self.processed_column_name
column_name = self.column
## iterate every question, perform tokenize and lemma
for idx, question in enumerate(self.data_df[column_name]):
lemmatized_sentence = []
## use spacy for lemmatization
doc = nlp(question.strip())
for word in doc:
## update to the same column
self.data_df.loc[idx, self.processed_column_name] = " ".join(lemmatized_sentence)
def process(self, perform_stopword = True):
if perform_stopword:
return self.data_df
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