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Last active April 23, 2018 05:54
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macOS Sierra installing python 2 and python 3 alongside
brew update
# installs pyenv
brew install pyenv
echo 'eval "$(pyenv init -)"' >> ~/.bash_profile;
# activates pyenv
source ~/.bash_profile
# installs pyenv-virtualenvwrapper
brew install pyenv-virtualenvwrapper
echo 'export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.pyenvs'
echo 'pyenv virtualenvwrapper_lazy'
# activates pyenv-virtualenvwrapper
source ~/.bash_profile
## Usage :
# pyenv versions # lists the versions of python installed
# pyenv install 2.7.12 # installs python 2.7.12
# pyenv install 3.5.2 # installs python 3.5.2
# pyenv global 3.5.2 # links python 3.5.2 as system wide global python
# pyenv local 2.7.12 # links python 2.7.12 as version specific to $PWD
# usual virtualenvwrapper commands
# mkvirtualenv Env # creates a new python virtualenv named 'Env'
# deactivate # deactivates the current active virtualenv
# workon Env # activates python virtualenv Env
pyenv activate talentx
pyenv deactivate talentx
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