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Last active December 18, 2015 02:48
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Save nareshov/5713351 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
* Jun 5th, 2013 - Naresh V. <>
- Modified version to work with ruby 1.8.7 (stock CentOS 6)
- Added a random password method.
::password(num, len) returns an array of 'num' passwords each of length 'len'
Original code from:
Original doc below: HTTP Ruby Library by Devin Akman
Distributed under the same license as Ruby.
*Uses the new hash syntax that probably won't work for versions < 1.9
This libray provides the following methods:
TrueRandom::quota returns your remaining quota.
The quota is also automatically checked during each
data request and a QuotaNotPositiveError is thrown
if it is not positive (Duh!)
::integers(num, min, max) returns an array of integers.
::sequence(min, max) also returns an array of integers.
::strings(num, len, digits?, upperalpha?, loweralpha?, unique?) returns
an array of strings.
No exception handling is perfomed; that is left up to the implementation.
Below is a summary of the most likely exceptions:
ArgumentError is thrown when a bad argument is passed.
SocketError is thrown when there is a probelm with the connection.
QuotaNotPositiveError is thrown if the quota is not positive (Duh!)
The USER_AGENT constant should be changed to include the email of whoever is
using this library in their program so that Dr. Haahr can drop them a line
if it misbehaves.
require 'socket'
class QuotaNotPositiveError < StandardError
class TrueRandom
HOST = ''
PORT = 80
CRLF = "\r\n"
TIMEOUT = 5 * 60
USER_AGENT = 'foo@bar.baz'
class << self
def get(path, options_hash)
request = []
options_hash.each { |key, value| request << "#{key}=#{value}" }
request = "/#{path}/?" + request.join('&')
s =, PORT)
s << (["GET #{request} HTTP/1.1", "Host: #{HOST}",
"User-Agent: #{USER_AGENT}"].join(CRLF) + CRLF * 2)
fail(SocketError, 'Timed out!') unless[s], nil, nil, TIMEOUT)
response =
unless response.split(CRLF)[0]['200 OK']
fail(SocketError, "Bad Server Response: #{response}")
response.split(CRLF * 2, 2)[1].chomp
def check_quota
fail QuotaNotPositiveError unless quota > 0
def pre_check(*arg_bounds)
arg_bounds.all? { |e| e[0].between?(e[1], e[2]) }
def quota
get('quota', { 'format' => 'plain' }).to_i
def integers(num, min, max)
fail ArumentError unless pre_check([num, 1, 10**4], [min, -10**9, 10**9],
[max, -10**9, 10**9]) && max > min
raw = get('integers', { 'num' => num, 'min' => min, 'max' => max, 'col' => 1, 'base' => 10,
'format' => 'plain', 'rnd' => 'new' })
raw.split("\n").map! { |x| x.to_i }
def sequence(min, max)
fail ArgumentError unless pre_check([min, -10**9, 10**9], [max, -10**9,
get('sequences', { 'min' => min, 'max' => max, 'col' => 1, 'format' => 'plain',
'rnd' => 'new' }).split("\n").map! { |x| x.to_i }
def password(num, len)
fail ArgumentError unless pre_check([num, 1, 100], [len, 6, 24])
get('passwords', { 'num' => num, 'len' => len, 'format' => 'plain',
'rnd' => 'new' }).split("\n")
def strings(num, len, digits, ualpha, lalpha, unique)
fail ArgumentError unless digits || ualpha || lalpha
if unique
acc = (digits ? 10 : 0)
ualpha ? acc += 26 : nil
lalpha ? acc += 26 : nil
fail(ArgumentError, "num greater than string space!") if num > acc**len
fail ArgumentError unless pre_check([num, 1, 10**4], [len, 1, 20])
bools = [digits, ualpha, lalpha, unique].map! { |x| x ? 'on' : 'off' }
d, up, lo, u = *bools
get('strings', { 'num' => num, 'len' => len, 'digits' => d, 'upperalpha' => up,
'loweralpha' => lo, 'unique' => u, 'format' => 'plain',
'rnd' => 'new' }).split("\n")
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