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Created June 26, 2015 17:46
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Simple Ember Animation View Mixin
import Ember from 'ember';
* Mixin support for animating transitions/outlets.
var AnimateOutletMixin = Ember.Mixin.create(Ember.Evented, {
* @private
* @property {jQuery} _$clone - temporary store of the cloned view for shared access
_$clone: null,
* Event hook for initial animation logic. Passes a callback to trigger the next event.
* @param {Function} done - callback to trigger didAnimateIn()
* Usage:
* ```javascript
* import Ember from 'ember';
* import AnimateOutletMixin from 'cn/core/mixins/animate-outlet';
* var MenuView = Ember.View.extend(AnimateOutletMixin, {
* animateIn: function(done) {
* this.$().velocity({
* left: ['0%', '-100%']
* }, {
* complete: done
* });
* },
* didAnimateIn: function() {
* // post animation logic
* }
* });
* export default MenuView;
* ```
animateIn: function(done) {
* Event hook for post animation. Is triggered when done callback is called from animateIn.
didAnimateIn: function() {},
* Event hook for animating out. animateOut passes a clone of the view before the object is
* destroyed. You must call done to properly trigger the teardown of the view/clone.
* Note: There is no need to append the clone to the DOM. The clone is automatically appended
* to the view's parent.
* @param {jQuery Array} $clone - A clone of the view to use before the view is destroyed.
* @param {Function} done - callback to trigger didAnimateOut() and execute teardown
* Usage:
* ```javascript
* import Ember from 'ember';
* import AnimateOutletMixin from 'cn/core/mixins/animate-outlet';
* var MenuView = Ember.View.extend({
* animateOut: function($clone, done) {
* $clone.velocity({
* left: ['-100%', '0%']
* }, {
* complete: done
* });
* }
* });
* ```
animateOut: function($clone, done) {
* Triggers the animateIn event and passes the didAnimateIn callback.
* @private
_animateIn: function() {
this.trigger('animateIn', this._didAnimateIn.bind(this));
* Clones the view before the view is destroyed, appends it, and passes it to the animateOut event.
* Also passes didAnimateOut function as a callback.
* @private
_animateOut: function() {
var $this = this.$();
var $clone = $this.clone();
this.set('_$clone', $clone);
this.trigger('animateOut', $clone, this._didAnimateOut.bind(this));
* Triggers the didAnimateIn event hook.
* @private
_didAnimateIn: function() {
* Triggers didAnimateOut event hook and removes the clone from the DOM.
* @private
_didAnimateOut: function() {
export default AnimateOutletMixin;
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