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Last active November 24, 2021 14:53
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Rum example
(ns rumissue1.core
(:require [rum :include-macros true]))
(def errors (atom []))
(def errors-count (atom 0))
(defn error [msg]
(swap! errors-count inc)
(when (> (count @errors)
(swap! errors subvec 1))
(swap! errors conj msg))
(def guard (atom {}))
(def check-mixin
;; this fixes the problem
; :transfer-state
; (fn [old new]
; (assoc new ::listen-path (::listen-path old)))
(fn [state]
(let [key (rand)
id (:rum/id state)]
(swap! guard assoc id key)
(assoc state ::listen-path [id key])))
(fn [state]
(let [id (:rum/id state)
lp (::listen-path state)]
(when (nil? lp)
(error (str id " was lost!")))
(swap! guard dissoc id)))
;; widgets
(rum/defc widget < check-mixin rum/static [i]
[:span (str i ".")])
(rum/defc w-errors < rum/reactive []
(when (pos? (rum/react errors-count))
[:h3 (str @errors-count " x (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻")])
(for [err (rum/react errors)]
[:p err])])
(def data (atom []))
(def m (atom 5))
(def ok (constantly 20))
(defn fail []
(int (rand 20)))
(rum/defc page < rum/reactive []
[:ul (when (even? (rum/react m))
{:class "even"})
(for [i (rum/react data)]
(widget i)])]]
(defn update-data [n]
(reset! data
(into [] (for [i (range n)]
(int (rand (+ i n)))))))
(defn render []
(rum/mount (page) (.-body js/document)))
(defn tick []
(update-data (ok))
(reset! m (int (rand 100))) ;; generate errors too
(js/setTimeout tick 500))
<!DOCTYPE html>
ul li { list-style: none;}
.cont {
height: 100%;
width: 49%;
#main {
float: left;
#errors {
float: right;
<!--script src=""></script-->
<script src=""></script>
<script src="target-cljs/goog/base.js"></script>
<script src="app.js"></script>
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