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Last active February 25, 2020 10:33
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// pkg/svc
type SettingsService struct {
db DB // DB is an interface
func (svc *SettingsService) IsProCustomer(token Token) bool {
v := svc.db.GetProCustomer(makeProPKFromToken(token))
return v == "1"
// pkg/db/kv
type KV struct {
remoteDB RemoteDBaaSClient
cache Cache
pubsub PubSub // pubsub invalidates local cache on set operations
// KV implements DB interface
var _ DB = (*KV)(nil)
func (db *KV) GetProCustomer(pk) string {
if v, ok := db.cache.Get(···); ok {
return v
/* get foo via DBaaS client, put value into cache, return value */
// pkg/pubsub
type PubSub struct {···}
// vendor/cache
type Cache struct {
getOpDuration prometheus.Histogram // cache_get_duration_seconds
func (cache *Cache) Get(k string) (string, bool) {
defer func(t time.Time) {
/* ··· */
// How to re-implement it so we could filter cache's metrics by "svc" or by "db implementation".
// I.e. to have the "<host>.<application>.settings-svc.kv.cache.get.duration-seconds" metrics.
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