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Created September 13, 2023 20:58
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import {
type CreateComputedOptions,
type CreateSignalOptions,
type Signal,
type WritableSignal,
} from '@angular/core';
import type { NgtAnyRecord } from '../types';
const STORE_COMPUTED_KEY = '__ngt_signal_store_computed__';
export type NgtSignalStore<State extends object> = {
Key1 extends keyof State,
Key2 extends keyof State[Key1],
Key3 extends keyof State[Key1][Key2],
Key4 extends keyof State[Key1][Key2][Key3],
key1: Key1,
key2: Key2,
key3: Key3,
key4: Key4,
options?: CreateComputedOptions<State[Key1][Key2][Key3][Key4]>,
): Signal<State[Key1][Key2][Key3][Key4]>;
select<Key1 extends keyof State, Key2 extends keyof State[Key1], Key3 extends keyof State[Key1][Key2]>(
key1: Key1,
key2: Key2,
key3: Key3,
options?: CreateComputedOptions<State[Key1][Key2][Key3]>,
): Signal<State[Key1][Key2][Key3]>;
select<Key1 extends keyof State, Key2 extends keyof State[Key1]>(
key1: Key1,
key2: Key2,
options?: CreateComputedOptions<State[Key1][Key2]>,
): Signal<State[Key1][Key2]>;
select<Key extends keyof State>(key: Key, options?: CreateComputedOptions<State[Key]>): Signal<State[Key]>;
select(options?: CreateComputedOptions<State>): Signal<State>;
Key1 extends keyof State,
Key2 extends keyof State[Key1],
Key3 extends keyof State[Key1][Key2],
Key4 extends keyof State[Key1][Key2][Key3],
key1: Key1,
key2: Key2,
key3: Key3,
key4: Key4,
): State[Key1][Key2][Key3][Key4];
get<Key1 extends keyof State, Key2 extends keyof State[Key1], Key3 extends keyof State[Key1][Key2]>(
key1: Key1,
key2: Key2,
key3: Key3,
): State[Key1][Key2][Key3];
get<Key1 extends keyof State, Key2 extends keyof State[Key1]>(key1: Key1, key2: Key2): State[Key1][Key2];
get<Key extends keyof State>(key: Key): State[Key];
get(): State;
set(state: Partial<State> | ((previous: State) => Partial<State>)): void;
patch(state: Partial<State>): void;
state: Signal<State>;
const setter =
<State extends object>(_source: WritableSignal<State>) =>
(state: State | ((previous: State) => State)) => {
const updater = (previous: State) => {
const partial = typeof state === 'function' ? state(previous) : state;
Object.keys(partial).forEach((key) => {
const typedKey = key as keyof State;
if (partial[typedKey] === undefined && previous[typedKey] != null) {
partial[typedKey] = previous[typedKey];
return partial;
untracked(() => {
_source.update((previous) => ({ ...previous, ...updater(previous) }));
const patcher =
<State extends object>(_source: WritableSignal<State>) =>
(state: State) => {
const updater = (previous: State) => {
Object.keys(state).forEach((key) => {
const typedKey = key as keyof State;
if (state[typedKey] === undefined && previous[typedKey] != null) {
state[typedKey] = previous[typedKey];
return state;
untracked(() => {
_source.update((previous) => ({ ...updater(previous), ...previous }));
const getter =
<State extends object>(_source: WritableSignal<State>) =>
(...keys: string[]) => {
const root = untracked(_source);
if (keys.length === 0) return root;
return keys.reduce((value, key) => (value as NgtAnyRecord)[key], root);
const selector =
<State extends object>(_state: Signal<State>, computedCache: Map<string, Signal<any>>) =>
(...keysAndOptions: any[]) => {
if (keysAndOptions.length === 0) return _state;
if (keysAndOptions.length === 1 && typeof keysAndOptions[0] === 'object') {
const cachedKey = STORE_COMPUTED_KEY.concat(JSON.stringify(keysAndOptions[0]));
if (!computedCache.has(cachedKey)) {
computedCache.set(cachedKey, computed(_state, keysAndOptions as CreateComputedOptions<object>));
return computedCache.get(cachedKey)!;
const [keys, options] = parseStoreOptions(keysAndOptions);
const joinedKeys = keys.join('-');
const cachedKeys = joinedKeys.concat(options ? JSON.stringify(options) : '');
if (!computedCache.has(cachedKeys)) {
computed(() => keys.reduce((value, key) => (value as NgtAnyRecord)[key], _state()), options),
return computedCache.get(cachedKeys)!;
export function signalStore<State extends object>(
| Partial<State>
| ((storeApi: Pick<NgtSignalStore<State>, 'get' | 'set' | 'patch'>) => Partial<State>) = {},
options?: CreateSignalOptions<State>,
): NgtSignalStore<State> {
let source: WritableSignal<State>;
let set: NgtSignalStore<State>['set'];
let get: NgtSignalStore<State>['get'];
let patch: NgtSignalStore<State>['patch'];
if (typeof initialState === 'function') {
source = signal({} as State, options);
get = getter(source);
set = setter(source);
patch = patcher(source);
source.set(initialState({ set, get, patch }) as State);
} else {
source = signal(initialState as State, options);
get = getter(source);
set = setter(source);
patch = patcher(source);
const state = source.asReadonly();
const computedCache = new Map();
const store = { select: selector(state, computedCache), get, set, patch, state };
// NOTE: internal _snapshot to debug current state
Object.defineProperty(store, '_snapshot', {
get: state,
configurable: false,
enumerable: false,
return store;
function parseStoreOptions(keysAndOptions: any[]): [string[], CreateComputedOptions<any>?] {
if (typeof === 'object') {
return [keysAndOptions.slice(0, -1),];
return [keysAndOptions];
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