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Created September 1, 2017 13:59
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Sample HappyBase Sample for accessing HBase using Python
import csv
import happybase
import time
batch_size = 1000
host = ""
file_path = "Request_for_Information_Cases.csv"
namespace = "sample_data"
row_count = 0
start_time = time.time()
table_name = "rfic"
def connect_to_hbase():
""" Connect to HBase server.
This will use the host, namespace, table name, and batch size as defined in
the global variables above.
conn = happybase.Connection(host = host,
table_prefix = namespace,
table_prefix_separator = ":")
table = conn.table(table_name)
batch = table.batch(batch_size = batch_size)
return conn, batch
def insert_row(batch, row):
""" Insert a row into HBase.
Write the row to the batch. When the batch size is reached, rows will be
sent to the database.
Rows have the following schema:
[ id, keyword, subcategory, type, township, city, zip, council_district,
opened, closed, status, origin, location ]
batch.put(row[0], { "data:kw": row[1], "data:sub": row[2], "data:type": row[3],
"data:town": row[4], "data:city": row[5], "data:zip": row[6],
"data:cdist": row[7], "data:open": row[8], "data:close": row[9],
"data:status": row[10], "data:origin": row[11], "data:loc": row[12] })
def read_csv():
csvfile = open(file_path, "r")
csvreader = csv.reader(csvfile)
return csvreader, csvfile
# After everything has been defined, run the script.
conn, batch = connect_to_hbase()
print "Connect to HBase. table name: %s, batch size: %i" % (table_name, batch_size)
csvreader, csvfile = read_csv()
print "Connected to file. name: %s" % (file_path)
# Loop through the rows. The first row contains column headers, so skip that
# row. Insert all remaining rows into the database.
for row in csvreader:
row_count += 1
if row_count == 1:
insert_row(batch, row)
# If there are any leftover rows in the batch, send them now.
# No matter what happens, close the file handle.
duration = time.time() - start_time
print "Done. row count: %i, duration: %.3f s" % (row_count, duration)
# Source:
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