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Created April 7, 2010 16:01
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;;; Wavefront OBJ file loader
(in-package #:cl)
(defpackage #:obj2
(:use #:cl)
#:v ;; v vn vt f g はできればexternしたくない。
(in-package #:obj2)
(defun line-head-symbol (line)
(if (equal (char line 0) #\#)
(let ((s (read-from-string line nil nil)))
(if (or (eq 'v s)
(eq 'vn s)
(eq 'vt s)
(eq 'f s)
(eq 'g s))
(defun count-info-1 (in)
(let ((v-count 0)
(vn-count 0)
(vt-count 0)
(f-count 0)
(g-count 0))
(loop for line = (read-line in nil) while line do
(let ((s (line-head-symbol line)))
(cond ((eq s 'v)
(setf v-count (1+ v-count)))
((eq s 'vn)
(setf vn-count (1+ vn-count)))
((eq s 'vt)
(setf vt-count (1+ vt-count)))
((eq s 'f)
(setf f-count (1+ f-count)))
((eq s 'g)
(setf g-count (1+ g-count))))))
(list :v v-count :vn vn-count :vt vt-count :f f-count :g g-count)))
(defun count-info(in-filename)
(let ((in (open in-filename)))
(when in
(count-info-1 in))))
(defun rest-float-list ( line start )
; "「v 1 1 1」とあった場合の1 1 1をlistで返す関数"
(multiple-value-bind (r0 r1)
(read-from-string line nil nil :start start)
(cond ((> (length line) r1)
(cons r0 (rest-float-list line r1)))
((not (null r0))
(cons r0 nil))
(defun vertex-indices-1 (line &optional (start 0))
; "line文字列のstart開始位置にある、 1//1を(0 nil 0)、1/1/1を(0 0 0)で返す関数。"
(multiple-value-bind (r0 r1)
(parse-integer line :start start :junk-allowed t)
(if (not (null r0))
(setf r0 (1- r0)))
(if (and (< r1 (length line))
(equal (char line r1) #\/))
(result pos) (vertex-indices-1 line (1+ r1))
(values (cons r0 result) pos))
(values (if (not (null r0))
(cons r0 nil)) r1))))
(defun vertex-indices (line &optional (start 0) )
; "line文字列の開始位置以降にある、1//1 2//2 3//3を((0 nil 0) (1 nil 1) (2 nil 2))として返す関数"
(multiple-value-bind (l pos)
(vertex-indices-1 line start)
(if (< pos (length line))
(cons l (vertex-indices line (+ pos 1)))
(if (not (null l))
(cons l nil)))))
(defun objdata-from-line (line)
(if (equal (char line 0) #\#)
(multiple-value-bind (s pos)
(read-from-string line nil nil)
(if (or (eq 'v s)
(eq 'vn s)
(eq 'vt s))
(let ((l (rest-float-list line pos)))
(cons s l))
(if (eq 'f s)
(cons s (vertex-indices line pos)))))))
(defmacro make-vertex(positions texcoords normals indices)
(aref ,positions (nth 0 ,indices))
(if (null (nth 1 ,indices))
(aref ,texcoords (nth 1 ,indices)))
(if (null (nth 2 ,indices))
(aref ,normals (nth 2 ,indices)))
(defmacro make-face-1(positions texcoord normals face)
(let ((v (gensym)))
#'(lambda (,v) (make-vertex ,positions ,texcoord ,normals ,v))
(defmacro make-face (obj-data data)
`(make-face-1 (getf ,obj-data :positions)
(getf ,obj-data :texcoords)
(getf ,obj-data :normals)
(cdr ,data)))
(defun attribute-setter! (obj-data symbol)
(let ((dest obj-data)
(property symbol)
(index 0))
(lambda (data)
(setf (aref (getf dest property) index) (cdr data))
(incf index 1))))
(defun face-setter! (obj-data)
(let ((dest obj-data)
(index 0))
(lambda (face)
(setf (aref
(getf dest :faces)
(incf index))))
(defmacro make-obj-mesh (info)
`(list :positions
(make-array (getf ,info :v))
(make-array (getf ,info :vt))
(make-array (getf ,info :vn))
(make-array (getf ,info :f))
(defun read-obj-file-1 (in info)
(let* ((obj-mesh (make-obj-mesh info))
(add-position! (attribute-setter! obj-mesh :positions))
(add-texcoord! (attribute-setter! obj-mesh :texcoords))
(add-normal! (attribute-setter! obj-mesh :normals))
(add-face! (face-setter! obj-mesh)))
(loop for line = (read-line in nil) while line do
(let ((data (objdata-from-line line)))
(if data
(let ((s (car data)))
(cond ((eq s 'v)
(funcall add-position! data))
((eq s 'vt)
(funcall add-texcoord! data))
((eq s 'vn)
(funcall add-normal! data))
((eq 'f (car data))
(let ((face (make-face obj-mesh data)))
(when face
(funcall add-face! face)
(format t "load complete.~%")
(defun read-obj-file(in-filename)
(let ((info (count-info in-filename))
(in (open in-filename)))
(when in
(read-obj-file-1 in info))))
(defun write-obj(in-filename out-filename)
(with-open-file (out out-filename
:direction :output
:if-exists :supersede)
(when out
(let ((*print-circle* t))
(print (read-obj-file in-filename) out)))))
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