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// EAGLDepthBufferedView.h
// DepthBufferTest
// Created by narumij on 11/04/16.
#import "EAGLView.h"
@interface EAGLDepthBufferedView : EAGLView {
// EAGLView.h
// OpenGLES_iPhone
// Created by mmalc Crawford on 11/18/10.
// Copyright 2010 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
// JNCons.h
// AnimationLanguage
// Created by narumij on 11/01/18.
// Copyright 2011 narumij. All rights reserved.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
steal from bullet physics GLDebugFont.cpp
modified by narumij.
redistribute condition is follow as below.
Bullet Continuous Collision Detection and Physics Library
Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Erwin Coumans
* BeginEnd.h
* GLBeginEnd
* Created by narumij on 10/05/18.
* Copyright 2010 narumij. All rights reserved.
;;; Wavefront OBJ file loader
(in-package #:cl)
(defpackage #:obj2
(:use #:cl)
#:v ;; v vn vt f g はできればexternしたくない。
((s-row (s row) `(car (nth ,row ,s)))
(s-element (s row col) `(nth ,col (s-row ,s ,row)))
(s-scp(s row) `(cdr (nth ,row ,s)))
(setf- (x y) `(setf ,x (- ,x ,y)))
(setf/ (x y) `(setf ,x (/ ,x ,y))))
((elimination! (s row)
(labels ((k-loop (s row j mji k)
(if (< k 8)