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Last active October 31, 2023 11:43
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Docker registry with basic auth and SSL certificate

Docker registry with basic auth and SSL certificate

Docker registry does not have authentication nor certificate mechanism so in case you have docker registry on the internet, you need something that support those in front of the registry. You can find examples using Nginx for it on the web and this is yet another one.

The architecture

Client talks to Nginx. Nginx proxies the request to the docker registry. The nginx is on the host OS - not as a container.

+-----------+     +--------------------------------------------------------+
|           |     |  Server                              Docker container  |
|           |     |  +---------------------+                +------------+ |
|           |     |  |  Nginx on hostOS    |                |  Docker    | |
| Client    | HTTPS  |  * Basic Auth       | Proxy to       |  Registry  | |
|           +-------->  * SSL certificate  +---------------->            | |
|           |     |  |                     | localhost:5000 |            | |
|           |     |  +---------------------+                +------------+ |
+-----------+     +--------------------------------------------------------+

Docker registry

docker run -d -p 5000:5000 -v /images/docker-registry:/tmp/registry -e STORAGE_PATH=/tmp/registry registry

Let’s test if working on localhost.

curl localhost:5000
"\"docker-registry server\"



This git repo has preset files for this configurations let’s use it.

sudo apt-get install nginx
git clone
sudo cp docker-registry/contrib/nginx/nginx_1-3-9.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/.
sudo cp docker-registry/contrib/nginx/docker-registry.conf /etc/nginx/.
sudo apt-get install apache2-utils
sudo htpasswd -bc /etc/nginx/docker-registry.htpasswd <username> <password>
Adding password for user <username>

Modify the nginx_1-3-9.conf matching with your environment such as server_name. Place certificate and key file to the right place with right name. The place is defined in the nginx_1-3-9.conf

sudo cp your.crt /etc/ssl/certs/docker-registry
sudo cp your.key /etc/ssl/private/docker-registry

Restart nginx

service nginx restart

Connecting to docker registry via Nginx

Let’s test

$ curl -k --user <username>:<password> https://<domain_name> | python -m json.tool
"\"docker-registry server\"" 

Good. Basic authentication, certificate and http proxy are working. Now let’s login with docker client.

$ docker login <domain_name>
WARNING: login credentials saved in /home/ubuntu/.dockercfg.
Login Succeeded

If you success, the credential will be stored in .dockercfg file. Done. now you can pull, push, whatever.

docker push <domain_name>/ubuntu

Check inside of the registry


curl --user <user_name>:<password> https://<domain_name>/v1/search | python -m json.tool


ubuntu@sensor-docker-registry:~$ sudo docker search localhost:5000/sensor
sensors/kippo                         0                    
sensors/dionaea                       0                    
sensors/zabbix_agentd                 0                    
sensors/suricata                      0                    
sensors/p0f                           0                    
sensors/datastore                     0  

When you commit an image:

[user@analyze-001 ~]$ docker commit 8a5ee6989c37 <domain_name>/<image_name>
[user@analyze-001 ~]$ docker push <domain_name>/<image_name>
The push refers to a repository [<domain_name>/<image_name>] (len: 1)
Sending image list

Please login prior to push:
Username: <user_name>
Email: <email>
WARNING: login credentials saved in /home/<name>/.dockercfg.
Login Succeeded
The push refers to a repository [<domain_name>/<image_name>] (len: 1)
Sending image list
Pushing repository <domain_name>/<image_name> (1 tags)
e9e06b06e14c: Pushing [============================================>      ] 174.8 MB/197.2 MB
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