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Created March 15, 2017 13:46
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# Sets Prezto options.
# Authors:
# Sorin Ionescu <>
# General
# Set case-sensitivity for completion, history lookup, etc.
# zstyle ':prezto:*:*' case-sensitive 'yes'
# Color output (auto set to 'no' on dumb terminals).
zstyle ':prezto:*:*' color 'yes'
# Set the Zsh modules to load (man zshmodules).
# zstyle ':prezto:load' zmodule 'attr' 'stat'
# Set the Zsh functions to load (man zshcontrib).
# zstyle ':prezto:load' zfunction 'zargs' 'zmv'
# Set the Prezto modules to load (browse modules).
# The order matters.
zstyle ':prezto:load' pmodule \
'syntax-highlighting' \
'environment' \
'terminal' \
'editor' \
'history' \
'directory' \
'spectrum' \
'utility' \
'completion' \
'prompt' \
'archive' \
'autosuggestions' \
'emacs' \
'git' \
'homebrew' \
'rails' \
'ruby' \
# Autosuggestions
# Set the query found color.
# zstyle ':prezto:module:autosuggestions:color' found ''
# Editor
# Set the key mapping style to 'emacs' or 'vi'.
zstyle ':prezto:module:editor' key-bindings 'emacs'
# Auto convert .... to ../..
# zstyle ':prezto:module:editor' dot-expansion 'yes'
# Git
# Ignore submodules when they are 'dirty', 'untracked', 'all', or 'none'.
# zstyle ':prezto:module:git:status:ignore' submodules 'all'
# GNU Utility
# Set the command prefix on non-GNU systems.
# zstyle ':prezto:module:gnu-utility' prefix 'g'
# History Substring Search
# Set the query found color.
# zstyle ':prezto:module:history-substring-search:color' found ''
# Set the query not found color.
# zstyle ':prezto:module:history-substring-search:color' not-found ''
# Set the search globbing flags.
# zstyle ':prezto:module:history-substring-search' globbing-flags ''
# Pacman
# Set the Pacman frontend.
# zstyle ':prezto:module:pacman' frontend 'yaourt'
# Prompt
# Set the prompt theme to load.
# Setting it to 'random' loads a random theme.
# Auto set to 'off' on dumb terminals.
zstyle ':prezto:module:prompt' theme 'vitinho'
# Ruby
# Auto switch the Ruby version on directory change.
# zstyle ':prezto:module:ruby:chruby' auto-switch 'yes'
# Screen
# Auto start a session when Zsh is launched in a local terminal.
# zstyle ':prezto:module:screen:auto-start' local 'yes'
# Auto start a session when Zsh is launched in a SSH connection.
# zstyle ':prezto:module:screen:auto-start' remote 'yes'
# Set the SSH identities to load into the agent.
# zstyle ':prezto:module:ssh:load' identities 'id_rsa' 'id_rsa2' 'id_github'
# Syntax Highlighting
# Set syntax highlighters.
# By default, only the main highlighter is enabled.
# zstyle ':prezto:module:syntax-highlighting' highlighters \
# 'main' \
# 'brackets' \
# 'pattern' \
# 'line' \
# 'cursor' \
# 'root'
# Set syntax highlighting styles.
# zstyle ':prezto:module:syntax-highlighting' styles \
# 'builtin' 'bg=blue' \
# 'command' 'bg=blue' \
# 'function' 'bg=blue'
# Terminal
# Auto set the tab and window titles.
# zstyle ':prezto:module:terminal' auto-title 'yes'
# Set the window title format.
# zstyle ':prezto:module:terminal:window-title' format '%n@%m: %s'
# Set the tab title format.
# zstyle ':prezto:module:terminal:tab-title' format '%m: %s'
# Tmux
# Auto start a session when Zsh is launched in a local terminal.
# zstyle ':prezto:module:tmux:auto-start' local 'yes'
# Auto start a session when Zsh is launched in a SSH connection.
# zstyle ':prezto:module:tmux:auto-start' remote 'yes'
# Integrate with iTerm2.
# zstyle ':prezto:module:tmux:iterm' integrate 'yes'
# A simple theme that displays relevant, contextual information.
# Authors:
# Sorin Ionescu <>
# Screenshots:
# Load dependencies.
pmodload 'helper'
function prompt_sorin_pwd {
local pwd="${PWD/#$HOME/~}"
if [[ "$pwd" == (#m)[/~] ]]; then
unset MATCH
function prompt_sorin_precmd {
# Format PWD.
# Get Git repository information.
if (( $+functions[git-info] )); then
# Get Ruby info
if (( $+functions[ruby-info] )); then
# Get Virtual env info
if (( $+functions[python-info] )); then
# Get Node info
if (( $+functions[node-info] )); then
function prompt_sorin_setup {
prompt_opts=(cr percent subst)
# Load required functions.
autoload -Uz add-zsh-hook
# Add hook for calling infos before each command.
add-zsh-hook precmd prompt_sorin_precmd
# Set editor-info parameters.
zstyle ':prezto:module:editor:info:completing' format '%B%F{red}...%f%b'
zstyle ':prezto:module:editor:info:keymap:primary' format '%B%F{red}❯%F{yellow}❯%F{green}❯%f%b'
zstyle ':prezto:module:editor:info:keymap:primary:overwrite' format ' %F{red}♺%f'
zstyle ':prezto:module:editor:info:keymap:alternate' format ' %B%F{green}❮%F{yellow}❮%F{red}❮%f%b'
# Set git-info parameters.
zstyle ':prezto:module:git:info' verbose 'yes'
zstyle ':prezto:module:git:info:action' format ':%%B%F{yellow}%s%f%%b'
zstyle ':prezto:module:git:info:added' format ' %%B%F{green}✚%f%%b'
zstyle ':prezto:module:git:info:ahead' format ' %%B%F{yellow}⬆%f%%b'
zstyle ':prezto:module:git:info:behind' format ' %%B%F{yellow}⬇%f%%b'
zstyle ':prezto:module:git:info:branch' format ':%F{green}%b%f'
zstyle ':prezto:module:git:info:commit' format ':%F{green}%.7c%f'
zstyle ':prezto:module:git:info:deleted' format ' %%B%F{red}✖%f%%b'
zstyle ':prezto:module:git:info:modified' format ' %%B%F{blue}✱%f%%b'
zstyle ':prezto:module:git:info:position' format ':%F{red}%p%f'
zstyle ':prezto:module:git:info:renamed' format ' %%B%F{magenta}➜%f%%b'
zstyle ':prezto:module:git:info:stashed' format ' %%B%F{cyan}✭%f%%b'
zstyle ':prezto:module:git:info:unmerged' format ' %%B%F{yellow}═%f%%b'
zstyle ':prezto:module:git:info:untracked' format ' %%B%F{white}◼%f%%b'
zstyle ':prezto:module:git:info:keys' format \
'prompt' '(%F{blue}git%f$(coalesce "%b" "%p" "%c")%s)' \
'rprompt' '%A%B%S%a%d%m%r%U%u'
# Set ruby-info parameters.
zstyle ':prezto:module:ruby:info:version' format '%F{red}rb:%v%f'
# Set python-info parameters.
zstyle ':prezto:module:python:info:virtualenv' format '%F{220}pyenv:%v%f'
# Set node-info parameters
zstyle ':prezto:module:node:info:version' format '%F{106}node:%v%f'
# Define prompts.
PROMPT='%F{113}%n@%m%f %F{208}'
PROMPT='%F{208}λ%f %F{cyan}${_prompt_sorin_pwd}%f ${ruby_info[version]} ${node_info[version]} %F{70}${PYTHON_DIST}%f ${python_info[virtualenv]}
%(!. %B%F{red}#%f%b.)${editor_info[keymap]} '
RPROMPT='${editor_info[overwrite]}%(?:: %F{red}⏎%f)${VIM:+" %B%F{green}V%f%b"}${git_info[rprompt]} ${git_info:+${(e)git_info[prompt]}}'
SPROMPT='zsh: correct %F{red}%R%f to %F{green}%r%f [nyae]? '
prompt_sorin_setup "$@"
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