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Created December 20, 2013 16:40
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JavaのJNAを利用してlibxml2のxmlReaderのクラスを書く ref:
import com.sun.jna.Native;
import com.sun.jna.NativeLong;
import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
public class LibXml2 {
static {
static public class XmlParserProperties {
public static final int XML_PARSER_LOADDTD = 1;
public static final int XML_PARSER_DEFAULTATTRS = 2;
public static final int XML_PARSER_VALIDATE = 3;
public static final int XML_PARSER_SUBST_ENTITIES = 4;
static public class XmlParserOption {
public static final int XML_PARSE_RECOVER = 1;// recover on errors
public static final int XML_PARSE_NOENT = 2;// substitute entities
public static final int XML_PARSE_DTDLOAD = 4;// load the external
// subset
public static final int XML_PARSE_DTDATTR = 8;// default DTD attributes
public static final int XML_PARSE_DTDVALID = 16;// validate with the DTD
public static final int XML_PARSE_NOERROR = 32;// suppress error reports
public static final int XML_PARSE_NOWARNING = 64;// suppress warning
// reports
public static final int XML_PARSE_PEDANTIC = 128;// pedantic error
// reporting
public static final int XML_PARSE_NOBLANKS = 256;// remove blank nodes
public static final int XML_PARSE_SAX1 = 512;// use the SAX1 interface
// internally
public static final int XML_PARSE_XINCLUDE = 1024;// Implement XInclude
// substitition
public static final int XML_PARSE_NONET = 2048;// Forbid network access
public static final int XML_PARSE_NODICT = 4096;// Do not reuse the
// context dictionnary
public static final int XML_PARSE_NSCLEAN = 8192;// remove redundant
// namespaces
// declarations
public static final int XML_PARSE_NOCDATA = 16384;// merge CDATA as text
// nodes
public static final int XML_PARSE_NOXINCNODE = 32768;// do not generate
// nodes
public static final int XML_PARSE_COMPACT = 65536;// compact small text
// nodes; no
// modification of
// the tree allowed
// afterwards (will
// possibly crash if
// you try to modify
// the tree)
public static final int XML_PARSE_OLD10 = 131072;// parse using XML-1.0
// before update 5
public static final int XML_PARSE_NOBASEFIX = 262144;// do not fixup
// xml:base uris
public static final int XML_PARSE_HUGE = 524288;// relax any hardcoded
// limit from the parser
public static final int XML_PARSE_OLDSAX = 1048576;// parse using SAX2
// interface from
// before 2.7.0
static public class XmlParserSeverities {
public static final int XML_PARSER_SEVERITY_VALIDITY_WARNING = 1;
public static final int XML_PARSER_SEVERITY_VALIDITY_ERROR = 2;
public static final int XML_PARSER_SEVERITY_WARNING = 3;
public static final int XML_PARSER_SEVERITY_ERROR = 4;
static public class XmlReaderTypes {
public static final int XML_READER_TYPE_NONE = 0;
public static final int XML_READER_TYPE_ELEMENT = 1;
public static final int XML_READER_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE = 2;
public static final int XML_READER_TYPE_TEXT = 3;
public static final int XML_READER_TYPE_CDATA = 4;
public static final int XML_READER_TYPE_ENTITY_REFERENCE = 5;
public static final int XML_READER_TYPE_ENTITY = 6;
public static final int XML_READER_TYPE_COMMENT = 8;
public static final int XML_READER_TYPE_DOCUMENT = 9;
public static final int XML_READER_TYPE_DOCUMENT_TYPE = 10;
public static final int XML_READER_TYPE_DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT = 11;
public static final int XML_READER_TYPE_NOTATION = 12;
public static final int XML_READER_TYPE_WHITESPACE = 13;
public static final int XML_READER_TYPE_SIGNIFICANT_WHITESPACE = 14;
public static final int XML_READER_TYPE_END_ELEMENT = 15;
public static final int XML_READER_TYPE_END_ENTITY = 16;
public static final int XML_READER_TYPE_XML_DECLARATION = 17;
static public class XmlTextReaderMode {
public static final int XML_TEXTREADER_MODE_INITIAL = 0;
public static final int XML_TEXTREADER_MODE_INTERACTIVE = 1;
public static final int XML_TEXTREADER_MODE_ERROR = 2;
public static final int XML_TEXTREADER_MODE_EOF = 3;
public static final int XML_TEXTREADER_MODE_CLOSED = 4;
public static final int XML_TEXTREADER_MODE_READING = 5;
public static native Pointer xmlReaderForMemory(Pointer buffer, int size, final byte[] url, final byte[] encoding, int option);
public static native int xmlReaderNewFd(Pointer reader, int fd, byte[] url, byte[] encoding, int options);
public static native void xmlFreeTextReader(Pointer xmlTextReader);
public static native int xmlTextReaderAttributeCount(Pointer reader);
public static native NativeLong xmlTextReaderByteConsumed(Pointer reader);
public static native int xmlTextReaderClose(Pointer reader);
public static native Pointer xmlTextReaderConstLocalName(Pointer reader);
public static native Pointer xmlTextReaderConstName(Pointer reader);
public static native Pointer xmlTextReaderConstNamespaceUri(Pointer reader);
public static native Pointer xmlTextReaderConstPrefix(Pointer reader);
public static native Pointer xmlTextReaderConstString(Pointer reader);
public static native Pointer xmlTextReaderConstValue(Pointer reader);
public static native Pointer xmlTextReaderConstXmlLang(Pointer reader);
public static native Pointer xmlTextReaderConstXmlVersion(Pointer reader);
public static native int xmlTextReaderDepth(Pointer reader);
public static native Pointer xmlTextReaderGetAttribute(Pointer reader, byte[] name);
public static native Pointer xmlTextReaderGetAttributeNo(Pointer reader, int no);
public static native Pointer xmlTextReaderGetAttributeNs(Pointer reader, byte[] localName, byte[] namespaceURI);
public static native int xmlTextReaderGetParserColumnNumber(Pointer reader);
public static native int xmlTextReaderGetParserLineNumber(Pointer reader);
public static native int xmlTextReaderHasAttributes(Pointer reader);
public static native int xmlTextReaderHasValue(Pointer reader);
public static native int xmlTextReaderIsEmptyElement(Pointer reader);
public static native int xmlTextReaderIsValid(Pointer reader);
public static native Pointer xmlTextReaderLocalName(Pointer reader);
public static native int xmlTextReaderMoveToAttribute(Pointer reader, byte[] name);
public static native int xmlTextReaderMoveToAttributeNo(Pointer reader, int no);
public static native int xmlTextReaderMoveToAttributeNs(Pointer reader, byte[] localName, byte[] namespaceURI);
public static native int xmlTextReaderMoveToElement(Pointer reader);
public static native int xmlTextReaderMoveToFirstAttribute(Pointer reader);
public static native int xmlTextReaderMoveToNextAttribute(Pointer reader);
public static native Pointer xmlTextReaderName(Pointer reader);
public static native Pointer xmlTextReaderNamespaceUri(Pointer reader);
public static native int xmlTextReaderNext(Pointer reader);
public static native int xmlTextReaderNextSibling(Pointer reader);
public static native int xmlTextReaderNodeType(Pointer reader);
public static native int xmlTextReaderNormalization(Pointer reader);
public static native Pointer xmlTextReaderPrefix(Pointer reader);
public static native int xmlTextReaderQuoteChar(Pointer reader);
public static native int xmlTextReaderRead(Pointer reader);
public static native int xmlTextReaderReadAttributeValue(Pointer reader);
public static native Pointer xmlTextReaderReadInnerXml(Pointer reader);
public static native Pointer xmlTextReaderReadOuterXml(Pointer reader);
public static native int xmlTextReaderReadState(Pointer reader);
public static native Pointer xmlTextReaderReadString(Pointer reader);
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