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Created December 7, 2021 16:45
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Wrapper script for Argos Translate
#!/bin/env tclsh
# language should be a two-character ISO code
# languages must be installed using Argos GUI
set language_codes {
ar de en es fr it zh
# CLI takes two arguments, ignore the rest
lassign $argv from_code to_code
if {$from_code ni $language_codes} {
puts stderr "Error: $from_code is not a valid language code."
puts stderr "The following languages are supported: $language_codes"
exit 1
if {$to_code ni $language_codes} {
puts stderr "Error: $from_code is not a valid language code."
puts stderr "The following languages are supported: $language_codes"
exit 1
puts -nonewline "$from_code: "
flush stdout
gets stdin input
set translate "argos-translate --from-lang $from_code --to-lang $to_code"
set copy "xclip -filter -selection clipboard"
set output [exec sh -c "$translate '$input' | $copy"]
puts -nonewline "$to_code: "
flush stdout
puts $output
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