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Last active December 14, 2015 19:49
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  • Save nat-n/5139065 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save nat-n/5139065 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
These python modules provide functions for dealing with multi label volumetric images (such as anatomical atlases) in .nii format or any similar format compatible with nibabel. Both can also be used as command line tools. takes a directory of single-label or multilabel volumetric image files and creates a new nifiti multi-label imag…
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import sys
import argparse
import collections
import numpy
import nibabel as nib
def merge_ml_volumes(input_dir, label_join_char="+", voxel_threshold=15):
shape = None
available_values = set(range(1, 32000))
labels = {}
data = None
valid_extensions = [".nii", ".nii.gz"]
niftis = [item for item in os.listdir(input_dir) if any(item.endswith(ext) for ext in valid_extensions)]
if not niftis:
if __name__ == "__main__":
print 'Warning: No nifti image files were found in the input directory! \nTerminating early...'
raise Exception('No nifti image files were found in the input directory!')
for indx, item in enumerate(niftis):
image_name = item.split(".")[0]
new_img = nib.load(input_dir + '/' + item)
new_data = new_img.get_data().flatten()
new_values_map = {}
if shape is None:
shape = new_img.shape
data = numpy.zeros(len(new_data)).astype('int16', copy=False)
if shape != new_img.shape:
raise Exception('Cannot merge volumes with different dimensions!')
# Merge image
for i in numpy.where(new_data != 0)[0]:
combo = (data[i], new_data[i])
if not combo in new_values_map:
new_values_map[combo] = available_values.pop()
except KeyError:
raise Exception('Ran out of label values, use the --ml option specify a larger number of label values.')
data[i] = new_values_map[combo]
available_values -= set(new_values_map.values())
# Merge labels
is_mutlilabel = len([x[0] for x in new_values_map.keys() if x[0] == 0]) > 1
if len(new_values_map) == 1:
if new_values_map.keys()[0][0] == 0:
labels[new_values_map.values()[0]] = image_name
labels[new_values_map.values()[0]] = labels[new_values_map.keys()[0][0]] + label_join_char + image_name
i = 0
for combo in new_values_map.keys():
if combo[0] == 0:
if is_mutlilabel:
i += 1
labels[new_values_map[combo]] = image_name + '_' + str(i)
labels[new_values_map[combo]] = image_name
combined_label = labels[combo[0]] + label_join_char + image_name
if combined_label in labels.values():
combined_label += '_' + str(combo[1])
labels[new_values_map[combo]] = combined_label
# Empty out any very small labels resulting from overlap, if this is the last item
if indx == len(niftis)-1:
fd = collections.Counter(data)
for val in fd:
if fd[val] >= voxel_threshold or not label_join_char in labels[val]:
original_label = label_join_char.join(labels[val].split(label_join_char)[0:-1])
for v, l in labels.iteritems():
if l == original_label:
data[data == val] = v
# Remove any emptied labels
emptied_values = set(labels.keys())-set(data)
for val in emptied_values:
del labels[val]
available_values = set([val]+list(available_values))
# Fill empty values
new_vals = {}
labels2 = {}
for i, v in enumerate(sorted(labels.keys())):
new_vals[v] = i+1
if new_vals[v] != v:
data[data == v] = i+1
for v in new_vals:
labels2[new_vals[v]] = labels[v]
labels = labels2
return (nib.Nifti1Image(data.reshape(shape), None), labels)
if __name__ == "__main__":
label_join_char = "+"
voxel_threshold = 15
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--jc", help="specify a character (which should not be in any of the filenames) for joining the names of overlapping labels, defaults to" + label_join_char)
parser.add_argument("--vt", help="specify the minimum number of voxels required for a label overlap to be propagated, defaults to " + str(voxel_threshold))
parser.add_argument("--o", help="specify a valid path for the resulting merged image, defaults to the directory above input_directory")
args = parser.parse_args()
# Interpret arguments
input_dir = args.input_dir
while input_dir[-1] == "/":
input_dir = input_dir[0:-1]
if args.jc:
label_join_char = args.jc
if args.vt:
voxel_threshold = int(args.vt)
output_dir = args.o or "/".join(input_dir.split("/")[0:-1])
if os.path.isdir(output_dir):
output_path = output_dir + '/merged_image.nii.gz'
elif os.path.isdir("/".join(input_dir.split("/")[0:-1])):
output_path = output_dir
raise Exception('Output directory appears to be invalid!')
new_image, labels = merge_ml_volumes(input_dir, label_join_char, voxel_threshold)
# Write new nifit image, output_path)
# Write text file with labels
open(output_dir+"/labels.txt", "w").write("")
with open(output_dir+"/labels.txt", "a") as labels_file:
for val in labels:
labels_file.write(str(val) + " "*(5-len(str(val))) + labels[val] + "\n")
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import argparse
import nibabel as nib
def build_label_surfaces(nifti_image, output_dir):
if not output_dir[-1] == "/":
output_dir += "/"
img = nifti_image.get_data().flatten()
dims = nifti_image.shape
index_of = lambda x, y, z: x + y*dims[0] + z*dims[0]*dims[1]
meshes = set()
present = None
for z in xrange(dims[2]):
for y in xrange(dims[1]):
for x in xrange(dims[0]):
previous = present or img[index_of(x - 1, y, z)]
present = img[index_of(x, y, z)]
above = img[index_of(x, y-1, z)]
behind = img[index_of(x, y, z-1)]
squares = []
if x > 0 and present != previous:
"labels": (previous, present),
"t1": [[x, y, z], [x, y+1, z], [x, y+1, z+1]],
"t2": [[x, y+1, z+1], [x, y, z+1], [x, y, z]],
"normal": [1, 0, 0]
if y > 0 and present != above:
"labels": (above, present),
"t1": [[x, y, z+1], [x+1, y, z+1], [x+1, y, z]],
"t2": [[x+1, y, z], [x, y, z], [x, y, z+1]],
"normal": [0, 1, 0]
if z > 0 and present != behind:
"labels": (behind, present),
"t1": [[x, y, z], [x+1, y, z], [x+1, y+1, z]],
"t2": [[x+1, y+1, z], [x, y+1, z], [x, y, z]],
"normal": [0, 0, 1]
for square in squares:
mesh_id = "-".join(map(str, sorted(square["labels"])))
file_path = "{0}{1}.stl".format(output_dir, mesh_id)
if not mesh_id in meshes:
open(file_path, "w").write("solid voxel_surface")
if square["labels"][0] < square["labels"][1]:
square["normal"] = [-x for x in square["normal"]]
square["t1"][1], square["t1"][2] = square["t1"][2], square["t1"][1]
square["t2"][1], square["t2"][2] = square["t2"][2], square["t2"][1]
write_square(square["t1"], square["t2"], square["normal"], open(file_path, "a"))
for mesh_id in meshes:
file_path = "{0}{1}.stl".format(output_dir, mesh_id)
open(file_path, "a").write("nendsolid\n")
def write_square(t1, t2, normal, output_file):
for line in [
" facet normal {0} {1} {2}".format(*normal),
" outer loop",
" vertex {0} {1} {2}".format(*t1[0]),
" vertex {0} {1} {2}".format(*t1[1]),
" vertex {0} {1} {2}".format(*t1[2]),
" endloop",
" endfacet",
" facet normal {0} {1} {2}".format(*normal),
" outer loop",
" vertex {0} {1} {2}".format(*t2[0]),
" vertex {0} {1} {2}".format(*t2[1]),
" vertex {0} {1} {2}".format(*t2[2]),
" endloop",
" endfacet"
output_file.write(line + "\n")
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
args = parser.parse_args()
nift_image = args.nift_image
if not os.path.isfile(nift_image):
raise Exception('Input image file appears to be invalid!')
output_dir = args.output_dir
while output_dir[-1] == "/":
output_dir = output_dir[0:-1]
if not os.path.isdir(output_dir):
raise Exception('Output directory appears to be invalid!')
build_label_surfaces(nib.load(nift_image), output_dir)
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