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Last active January 31, 2016 21:43
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import {
} from '../constants/';
export { pushPath } from 'redux-simple-router';
export function addRecipe(recipe) {
return {
= Firebase setup =
import Firebase from 'firebase';
import Fireproof from 'fireproof';
const fireRef = new Firebase('https://<PathToDBApp>/');
const fp = new Fireproof(fireRef);
const list = fp.child('recipeList');
/*===== End of Firebase setup ======*/
==== End of asyncCreators ======*/
* currently the recipeList going through this action creator is in Firebase
* format. So the directions and ingredients are strings. The reducer function
* will handle the conversion.
* @param {object} recipeList From Firebase
* @return {object} Action object for the reducer function recipeList
export function buildList(recipeList) {
return {
* Will return a function that takes in dispatch and getState and will return a promise.
* During this function call I fetch from the database via promises and using .then
* dispatch the action to add the fetched data to the local state store.
export function getRecipeListFirebase() {
return function(dispatch, getState) {
return list.then(function successFB(snap) {
// NOTE: recipeList in firebase format through buildList
// Convert in the reducer
}, function failFB() {
import {
} from '../js/core_helpers';
import {
} from '../js/core';
* This recipe is from the user input and is in the string format for directions
* and the ingredients
* Need to add checks for if no name property on the recipe coming in.
* If this is the case do not send to firebase or the redux store!
export function addRecipeFirebase(recipe) {
return (dispatch) => {
// create a child Firebase ref for the new recipe
const snakedName = snakeCase(;
const dbPath = list.child(snakedName);
// the recipe will get a different uuid for firebase and the store.
let buffedRecipe = recipeExtras(recipe).toObject();
return dbPath.set(buffedRecipe).then(function() {
// By passing the buffedRecipe to addRecipe I let recipeExtras see
// the recipe object already has a created_date and id. Therefore
// using them instead of creating new versions.
const realFormatRecipe = properRecipeFormat(buffedRecipe);
// check that there is a recipe coming back from formatting
if (!!realFormatRecipe) dispatch(addRecipe(realFormatRecipe));
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