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Created October 3, 2013 22:09
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Example of using a single counter and the modulo operator (%) to time multiple events.
Natalie Freed, 10-3-2013
Example of using a single counter and the modulo operator (%) to time multiple events.
For LWHS Building and Programming Intelligent Machines Fall 2013.
To use, open Serial Monitor to view output.
int counter = 0;
void setup()
//start serial port
void loop()
Serial.println("This line prints every second.");
if(counter % 3 == 0) //if counter is divisible by 3 (% is the remainder operator, called "modulo")
Serial.println("This line prints every 3 seconds.");
if(counter % 5 == 0) //if counter is divisible by 5 (% is the remainder operator, called "modulo")
Serial.println("This line prints every 5 seconds.");
delay(1000); //wait 1 second
counter = counter + 1; //increase counter by 1
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