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Created May 29, 2020 07:05
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import sys
from copy import deepcopy
def debug(*kwargs):
return print("!", *kwargs, file=sys.stderr)
'add': lambda a, b: a + b,
# 'sub': lambda a, b: a - b,
'mul': lambda a, b: a * b # ,
# 'div': lambda a, b: int(a / b)
class Token:
def __init__(self, index, is_operator=False, is_number=False):
self.index = index
if is_operator and not is_number:
self.is_operator = True
self.operator = OPERATORS[index]
elif is_number and not is_operator:
self.is_operator = False
self.number = numbers[index]
raise ValueError("is_number=" + str(is_number) + ' is_operator=' + str(is_operator))
def __repr__(self):
if self.is_operator:
return self.index + "()"
return '[' + str(self.index) + ']:' + str(self.number)
class ReversePolandNotation:
def __init__(self, tokens=None, calc=None):
if tokens is None:
tokens = []
calc = []
if len(tokens) >= 2 and (tokens[0].is_operator or tokens[1].is_operator):
raise ValueError("tokens=" + str(tokens))
self._tokens = tokens
self.num_operators = len(list(filter(lambda x: x.is_operator, self._tokens)))
self.num_numbers = len(self._tokens) - self.num_operators
self.is_correct = self.num_numbers == (self.num_operators + 1)
self.calc = calc
def __repr__(self):
return '"' + " ".join(list(map(str, self._tokens))) + '" correct=' + str(self.is_correct)
def add_token(self, new_token):
if len(self._tokens) < 2 and new_token.is_operator:
return False
if not new_token.is_operator:
for self_token in self._tokens:
if new_token.index == self_token.index:
return False
if new_token.is_operator and self.num_numbers == self.num_operators + 1:
return False
result_calc = ReversePolandNotation.calculate(self.calc, new_token)
if not result_calc:
return False
result_tokens = deepcopy(self._tokens)
return ReversePolandNotation(result_tokens, result_calc)
def calculate(prev_calc, new_token):
stack = deepcopy(prev_calc)
if new_token.is_operator:
if len(stack) < 2:
return False
b = stack.pop()
a = stack.pop()
if (new_token.index == 'div' and (b == 0 or a % b != 0)) or (new_token.index == 'sub' and a < b):
return False
stack.append(new_token.operator(a, b))
return stack
# target_result = int(input())
# numbers = [int(i) for i in input().split()]
target_result = 999
numbers = [int(i) for i in '1 2 2 3 3 1'.split()]
available_tokens = [Token(x, is_operator=True) for x in OPERATORS]
available_tokens.extend([Token(i, is_number=True) for i in range(len(numbers))])
closest_result = abs(numbers[0] - target_result)
Q = [ReversePolandNotation()]
step = 0
while len(Q) > 0: # and step < 100500:
step += 1
current_rpn = Q.pop()
if step % 1000 == 0:
debug("step=", step, 'queue=', len(Q), 'current_rpn=', current_rpn)
for avail_token in available_tokens:
new_rpn = current_rpn.add_token(avail_token)
if new_rpn:
if new_rpn.is_correct:
calculated = new_rpn.calc
if not calculated:
if len(calculated) == 1:
if calculated[0] == target_result:
new_diff = abs(calculated[0] - target_result)
closest_result = min(closest_result, new_diff)
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