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Created April 7, 2016 19:18
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Conversion script is for writing legacy data to a csv file suitable for wordpress import - by Matthew Antone
# . add alt tags to image links
# . image thumbnails? (featured image)
import psycopg2
import psycopg2.extras
import re
import lxml
import lxml.html
import os
import shutil
import ipdb
import glob
import sys
def grabData(cursor,tableName,crossRef):
cursor.execute('select * from ' + tableName)
entries = [entry for entry in cursor]
print 'grabbed', len(entries), ' items from', tableName
class Item: pass
items = {}
for entry in entries:
item = Item()
for key,val in entry.iteritems():
if hasattr(item, 'id'):
items[] = item
item.tableName = tableName
if tableName == 'entries_sections' or tableName == 'alerts_sections':
return entries
crossRef[tableName] = items
return items
def convertTitle(title):
if title is None:
return title
titleNew = title.lower()
titleNew = re.sub(r' ','-',titleNew)
titleNew = re.sub(r'[^0-9a-zA-Z\-]+', '', titleNew)
titleNew = re.sub(r'-+','-',titleNew)
titleNew = titleNew.rstrip('-').lstrip('-')
return titleNew
def convertFileName(fileName):
name,ext = os.path.splitext(fileName)
ext = ext.lower()
nameNew = name.lower()
nameNew = re.sub(r'[ _]','-',nameNew)
nameNew = re.sub(r'[^0-9a-zA-Z\-]+', '', nameNew)
nameNew = re.sub(r'-+','-',nameNew)
nameNew = nameNew.rstrip('-').lstrip('-')
nameNew += ext
return nameNew
class MediaEntry: pass
def replaceLink(link, crossRef, rootDir, mediaFiles):
mediaPrefix = rootDir + 'wp-content/uploads/legacy/'
imagePrefix = mediaPrefix + 'images/'
documentPrefix = mediaPrefix + 'documents/'
linkNew = 'LINK_ERROR'
pattern = ur'''http://wildequity\.org/([^/]+)/(.*)'''
match =,link[2])
if match is None:
pattern = ur'''/([^/]+)/(.*)'''
match = re.match(pattern,link[2])
if match is None:
isImage = False
linkType = match.groups()[0]
linkDest = match.groups()[1].rstrip('/')
if linkType not in crossRef:
print 'wtf:link_type_unknown',link[2]
if linkDest.isdigit():
newId = int(linkDest)
if newId in crossRef[linkType]:
newEntry = crossRef[linkType][newId]
if linkType == 'images':
fileNameOrig = os.path.basename(newEntry.filename)
fileName = convertFileName(fileNameOrig)
linkNew = imagePrefix + fileName
linkTitle = newEntry.title
img = MediaEntry()
img.fileName = fileName
img.isImage = True
print 'IMAGE1',fileName
elif linkType == 'documents':
versions = [ for version in crossRef['versions'].values() if version.document_id==newId]
fileName = crossRef['versions'][versions[0]].out_filename
linkNew = documentPrefix + fileName
doc = MediaEntry()
doc.fileName = fileName
doc.isImage = False
elif linkType == 'versions':
linkNew = documentPrefix + newEntry.out_filename
doc = MediaEntry()
doc.fileName = newEntry.out_filename
doc.isImage = False
#TODO: no subdirectories?
#linkNew = rootDir + 'news/' + newEntry.out_title_link
linkNew = rootDir + newEntry.out_title_link
print 'wtf:missing_link',link[2]
elif linkType == 'images':
fileNameOrig = os.path.basename(linkDest)
fileName = convertFileName(fileNameOrig)
img = MediaEntry()
img.fileName = fileName
img.isImage = True
print 'IMAGE2',fileName
linkNew = imagePrefix + fileName
# TODO: thumbnail etc
elif linkType == 'documents':
print 'wtf:weird_document', link[2]
elif linkType == 'versions':
print 'wtf:weird_version', link[2]
print 'wtf:undefined_link_type', link[2]
def createCsvRow(item):
s = ''
s += '"' + str(item.out_id) + '",'
s += '"' + item.out_title_link + '",'
if item.tableName in ('sections','pages','faqs','locations','species','alerts'):
s += '"page",'
s += '"post",'
# TODO: no news type
#s += '"news",'
s += '"' + str(item.out_date) + '",'
s += '"' + item.out_title + '",'
s += '"' + item.out_content.replace('"', r'\"') + '",'
s += '"publish",'
s += '"",'
s += '"' + ','.join(item.out_tags) + '",'
s += '"' + item.out_thumb + '",'
s += '"' + item.out_title + '",'
s += '\n'
return s
def convertAllData(outputCsv, outputMedia, rootDir, origMediaPrefix, dbName='we_import'):
# connect to db
#connection = psycopg2.connect("dbname=we_production")
connection = psycopg2.connect('dbname='+dbName)
cursor = connection.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor)
origDocPrefix = origMediaPrefix + '/docs/0000/'
origImagePrefix = origMediaPrefix + '/images/0000/'
# grab table data
crossRef = {}
allEntries = grabData(cursor, 'entries', crossRef)
allPages = grabData(cursor, 'pages', crossRef)
allImages = grabData(cursor, 'images', crossRef)
allDocuments = grabData(cursor, 'documents', crossRef)
allSpecies = grabData(cursor, 'species', crossRef)
allSections = grabData(cursor, 'sections', crossRef)
allEvents = grabData(cursor, 'events', crossRef)
allFaqs = grabData(cursor,'faqs', crossRef)
allVersions = grabData(cursor,'versions', crossRef)
allAlerts = grabData(cursor,'alerts', crossRef)
allLocations = grabData(cursor,'locations', crossRef)
rawEntriesSections = grabData(cursor, 'entries_sections', crossRef)
rawAlertsSections = grabData(cursor,'alerts_sections', crossRef)
# clean up database connection
# create entry-section lookup table
entryToSection = {}
for raw in rawEntriesSections:
if raw['entry_id'] not in entryToSection:
entryToSection[raw['entry_id']] = [raw['section_id']]
# create alert-section lookup table
alertToSection = {}
for raw in rawAlertsSections:
if raw['alert_id'] not in alertToSection:
alertToSection[raw['alert_id']] = [raw['section_id']]
# create media dirs
os.makedirs(outputMedia + '/images')
os.makedirs(outputMedia + '/documents')
# find and copy latest version of each media file
versionLookup = {}
docFileMap = {}
for version in crossRef['versions'].values():
docId = version.document_id
versions = [(,v.updated_at) for v in crossRef['versions'].values() if v.document_id==docId]
ids,dates = zip(*versions)
latestId = ids[dates.index(max(dates))]
fileNameOrig = crossRef['versions'][latestId].filename
fileName = convertFileName(fileNameOrig)
fileNameBase = fileName
postNum = 1
while fileName in versionLookup:
postNum += 1
name,ext = os.path.splitext(fileNameBase)
fileName = name + '-' + str(postNum) + ext
version.out_filename = fileName
fileNameOrig = '%s%04d/%s' % (origDocPrefix, latestId, fileNameOrig)
fileNameNew = outputMedia + '/documents/' + fileName
docFileMap[fileName] = fileNameOrig
# TODO shutil.copy(fileNameOrig, fileNameNew)
#print 'copied',fileNameOrig,'to',fileNameNew
# index image files
imageFileMap = {}
for f in glob.glob(origImagePrefix + '/*/*'):
fileName = convertFileName(os.path.basename(f))
destFile = outputMedia + '/images/' + fileName
imageFileMap[fileName] = f
# convert titles and set tags in all tables
titleLookup = {}
for name,table in crossRef.iteritems():
for curId,item in table.iteritems():
# convert title
if hasattr(item,'title') and item.title is not None:
title = item.title
elif hasattr(item,'name') and is not None:
title =
elif hasattr(item,'filename') and item.filename is not None:
title = item.filename
elif hasattr(item,'common_name') and item.common_name is not None:
title = item.common_name
titleNew = convertTitle(title)
titleNewBase = titleNew
postNum = 1
while titleNew in titleLookup:
postNum += 1
titleNew = titleNewBase + '-' + str(postNum)
item.out_title = title
item.out_title_link = titleNew
titleLookup[titleNew] = True
# convert date
if hasattr(item,'updated_at'):
item.out_date = item.updated_at
# set tags
if name=='entries':
if curId in entryToSection:
item.sections = entryToSection[curId]
item.sections = []
elif name=='actions':
if curId in actionToSection:
item.sections = actionToSection[curId]
item.sections = []
elif name=='sections':
item.sections = [curId]
# translate links in html
mediaFiles = []
contentTypes = ['entries','pages','sections','locations','species','events','faqs','alerts']
for curType in contentTypes:
for curId,entry in crossRef[curType].iteritems():
# get correct html field
if hasattr(entry,'body_html'):
htmlOrig = entry.body_html
elif hasattr(entry,'description_html'):
htmlOrig = entry.description_html
if not htmlOrig:
entry.out_content = ''
# iterate over and translate each link
tree = lxml.html.fromstring(htmlOrig.decode('utf-8'))
links = tree.iterlinks()
for link in links:
linkBefore = link[0].get(link[1])
replaceLink(link, crossRef, rootDir, mediaFiles)
linkAfter = link[0].get(link[1])
print 'TRANSLATED',linkBefore,'TO',linkAfter
# form new html string
html = lxml.html.tostring(tree)
if html.endswith('</div>'):
html = html[0:-6]
if html.startswith('<div>'):
html = html[5:]
entry.out_content = html
if '\x2019' in htmlOrig and 'path on the seawall' in htmlOrig:
print '**********'
print htmlOrig
print '++++++++++'
print html
# find and copy images
for media in mediaFiles:
if media.isImage:
if media.fileName in imageFileMap:
destFile = outputMedia + '/images/' + media.fileName
shutil.copy(imageFileMap[media.fileName], destFile)
print 'copied image', imageFileMap[media.fileName], media.fileName
print 'IMGFILE BAD', media.fileName
if media.fileName in docFileMap:
destFile = outputMedia + '/documents/' + media.fileName
shutil.copy(docFileMap[media.fileName], destFile)
print 'copied doc', docFileMap[media.fileName], media.fileName
print 'DOCFILE BAD', media.fileName
# collect all items
allItems = []
for ref in [crossRef[contentType] for contentType in contentTypes]:
allItems += ref.values()
# add remaining fields
curId = 1
for item in allItems:
item.out_id = 10000 + curId
curId += 1
item.out_tags = []
if hasattr(item,'sections'):
item.out_tags = [crossRef['sections'][tag].title for tag in item.sections]
print 'TAGS',item.out_tags
item.out_thumb = '' # TODO: thumb
# output csv
f = open(outputCsv,'w')
for item in allItems:
print 'ALL DONE, wrote', len(allItems), 'records'
if __name__=='__main__':
# for my server
outputCsv = '/mnt/hgfs/host-data/Projects/Wild Equity/out.csv'
outputMedia = '/var/www/html/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/legacy'
rootDir = '/wordpress/'
# for chris's server
outputCsv = '/mnt/hgfs/host-data/Projects/Wild Equity/legacy_posts.csv'
outputMedia = '/mnt/hgfs/host-data/Projects/Wild Equity/legacy';
rootDir = '/wilequidev/'
# for tilden server
outputCsv = '/mnt/hgfs/host-data/Projects/Wild Equity/legacy_tilden/legacy_posts.csv'
outputMedia = '/mnt/hgfs/host-data/Projects/Wild Equity/legacy_tilden/legacy'
rootDir = '/wpclone/'
origMediaPrefix = '/mnt/hgfs/host-data/Transfer/WildEquityData'
dbName = 'we_import'
convertAllData(outputCsv, outputMedia, rootDir, origMediaPrefix, dbName)
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