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Last active November 11, 2020 18:56
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OSX Folder Action to automatically import files added to a folder in
property imageFiles : {"jpg", "pef", "dng", "jpeg"}
on adding folder items to theWatchedFolder after receiving theDetectedItems
repeat with theItem in theDetectedItems
set theItemPath to POSIX path of theItem
set ImageFile to POSIX file theItemPath
tell application "System Events"
if name extension of theItem is in imageFiles then
tell application "Photos"
set DestinationAlbumName to "Inbox"
if not (exists container named DestinationAlbumName) then
make new album named DestinationAlbumName
end if
import ImageFile into container named DestinationAlbumName with skip check duplicates
end tell
tell application "Finder"
delete theItem
end tell
end if
end tell
end repeat
end adding folder items to
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natcl commented Jun 28, 2015

I checked and I don't think shared albums are available to AppleScript sadly...

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xoda0 commented Jun 30, 2015

thanks for looking into it!

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StuA1 commented Aug 10, 2015

I don't seem to have a Library folder in the path you directed that I put the script - /Users/your_username/Library/Workflows/Applications/Folder Actions/

If I try to create a folder called Library, it says one already exists, but I can't see it using Finder. Any suggestions?

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dwhogg commented Sep 19, 2015

The Library folder is a 'hidden file', so you will need to change your settings to show hidden files and folders. You can search for how to do that. It's a little obtuse :)

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My PC did not have a folder called ~/Library/Workflows, because I have never launch Automator app. After launching it, I could see ~/Library/Workflows/Applications/Folder Actions.

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Will this import images as referenced images if you have the option unchecked in Preferences. I made an automator script similar to that and it seems to import the pictures within the Photos library... Thanks !

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stefbelg commented Mar 4, 2018

I tried to use this script to import Camera uploads (dropbox) but Photos reports that an import is already started, is there a way that the import only starts after the folder content is unchanged for x seconds?

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