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Created June 29, 2016 20:10
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Testing Gist
package database
import (
// DBUser is the main DB User
// TODO: Needs created timestamp.
// TODO: Needs Last Attempt timestamp.
type (
DBUser struct {
UID int `json:"uid"`
Email string `json:"email"`
FName string `json:"fname"`
LName string `json:"lname"`
Password string `json:"password"`
Number int `json:"number"`
Attempts int `json:"attempts"`
Verified bool `json:"verified"`
Key string `json:"key"` //The JWT api key, strictly for the client.
BillingAccount sql.NullString `json:"billing_account"`
//DBEvent is the event information to be pulled from the user.
//Note: the dates and times are string format, need to be for insert
DBEvent struct {
EventKey string `json:"event_key"` //At first, generated by generateRandomKey().
EventID int `json:"event_id"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Description string `json:"description"`
Website string `json:"website"`
AddressID int `json:"address_id"`
StartDate string `json:"start_date"`
EndDate string `json:"end_date"`
ContactID int `json:"contact_id"`
EventType int `json:"event_type"`
MaxBid bool `json:"max_bid"`
BuyNow bool `json:"buy_now"`
ImagePath string `json:"image_path"`
CharityImage string `json:"charity_image"`
CharityURL string `json:"charity_url"`
//DBEvent is the event information
//Note: the dates and times are time.time format, need to be for the sql.Scan
DBEventPull struct {
EventKey string `json:"event_key"`
EventID int `json:"event_id"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Description string `json:"description"`
Website string `json:"website"`
AddressID int `json:"address_id"`
StartDate time.Time `json:"start_date"`
EndDate time.Time `json:"end_date"`
ContactID int `json:"contact_id"`
EventType int `json:"event_type"`
MaxBid bool `json:"max_bid"`
BuyNow bool `json:"buy_now"`
ImagePath sql.NullString `json:"image_path"`
CharityImage sql.NullString `json:"charity_image"`
CharityURL sql.NullString `json:"charity_url"`
DBItemBiddable struct {
EventID int `json:"event_id"`
EventType int `json:"event_type"`
StartDate time.Time `json:"start_date"`
EndDate time.Time `json:"end_date"`
//DBContact is contact information, generic
DBContact struct {
ContactID int `json:"contact_id"`
Fname string `json:"fname"`
Lname string `json:"lname"`
Email string `json:"email"`
Number int `json:"number"`
//DBAddress is address information, generic.
DBAddress struct {
AddressID int `json:"address_id"`
Street string `json:"street"`
City string `json:"city"`
State string `json:"state"`
Zip int `json:"zip"`
DBEventContactAddress struct {
Event DBEventPull `json:"event"`
Contact DBContact `json:"contact"`
Address DBAddress `json:"address"`
DBEventContactAddressItems struct {
Event DBEventPull `json:"event"`
Contact DBContact `json:"contact"`
Address DBAddress `json:"address"`
Items []DBBidItem `json:"items"`
DBEventType DBEventType `json:"dbeventtype"`
ImagePath string `json:"image_path"`
EventAndItems struct {
EventDetails DBEventContactAddress `json:"event_details"` //Holds event details
Items []DBBidItem `json:"items"` //Holds all items for event
Watching []DBWatching `json:"watching"` //Holds all items being watched.
Open bool `json:"open"` //If the event is open to bidding. Should depend on open/closed time.
//Gets the watched item list. Does not include event ID - this is pulled by event_id, so it should be
// assumed they're all for that event.
DBWatching struct {
Bidder int `json:"bidder"`
ItemID int `json:"item_id"`
Watching bool `json:"watching"`
EventID int `json:"event_id"`
CurrentHighestBid struct {
ItemID int `json:"item_id"`
Bidder int `json:"bidder"`
Timestamp time.Time `json:"timestamp"`
Notification struct {
NoteID int `json:"note_id"`
BidderID int `json:"bidder"`
ItemID int `json:"item_id"`
EventID int `json:"event_id"`
Message string `json:"message"`
Read bool `json:"read"`
Timestamp time.Time `json:"timestamp"`
EventContactAddress struct {
UserID int `json:"user_id"`
Event DBEvent `json:"event"`
Contact DBContact `json:"contact"`
Address DBAddress `json:"address"`
DBEventType struct {
TypeID int `json:"type_id"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Description string `json:"description"`
DBBidItem struct {
ItemID int `json:"item_id"`
EventID int `json:"event_id"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Description string `json:"description"`
Sponsor string `json:"sponsor"` //I think I'm calling this sponsor here.. but then charity_url... then sponsor_website.. TODO: Fix this.
StartingBid int `json:"starting_bid"`
BidIncrement int `json:"bid_increment"`
CurrentBid sql.NullInt64 `json:"current_bid"`
LastBidder sql.NullInt64 `json:"last_bidder"` //Email address of last bidder
BidAmount sql.NullInt64 `json:"bid_amount"` //Bid amount of the last bidders bid
BidID sql.NullInt64 `json:"bid_id"` //Key of the bid in the DB table
Bid sql.NullInt64 `json:"bid"` //Key of the bid in the DB table
BidTimestamp pq.NullTime `json:"bid_timestamp"` //Last Bid Timestamp date/time
Value sql.NullInt64 `json:"value"`
BuyNow bool `json:"buy_now"`
BuyNowAmount int `json:"buy_now_amount"`
ImagePath sql.NullString `json:"image_path"`
IconPath sql.NullString `json:"icon_path"`
CharityURL sql.NullString `json:"charity_url"`
SponsorWebsite sql.NullString `json:"sponsor_website"`
BidItemWithUserId struct {
ItemID int `json:"item_id"`
EventID int `json:"event_id"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Description string `json:"description"`
Sponsor string `json:"sponsor"`
StartingBid int `json:"starting_bid"`
BidIncrement int `json:"bid_increment"`
UserID int `json:"user_id"`
Value int `json:"value"`
BuyNow bool `json:"buy_now"`
BuyNowAmount int `json:"buy_now_amount"`
ItemImage string `json:"item_image"`
ItemIcon string `json:"item_icon"`
SponsorWebsite string `json:"sponsor_website"`
NewBid struct {
ItemID int `json:"item_id"`
Bidder int `json:"bidder"`
Bid int `json:"bid"`
UserID int `json:"user_id"`
NewBidderBid struct {
ItemID int `json:"item_id"`
Bidder int `json:"bidder"`
Bid int `json:"bid"`
UID int `json:"uid"`
EventID int `json:"event_id"`
Key string `json:"key"`
DBBid struct {
ItemID int `json:"item_id"`
Bidder int `json:"bidder"`
Bid int `json:"bid"`
LogBidRow struct {
BidID sql.NullInt64 `json:"bid_id"` //Key of the bid in the DB table
ItemID int `json:"item_id"`
ItemName string `json:"item_name"`
EventID int `json:"event_id"`
Bidder int `json:"bidder"`
Bid int `json:"bid"`
BidTimestamp pq.NullTime `json:"bid_timestamp"` //Last Bid Timestamp date/time
Signup struct {
Email string `json:"email"`
Password string `json:"password"`
Password2 string `json:"password2"`
Bidder struct {
BidderID int `json:"bidder_id"`
Phone sql.NullInt64 `json:"phone"`
Email string `json:"email"`
//StartEndDate carries the start and end times and dates of an event.
StartEndDate struct {
StartDate time.Time `json:"start_date"`
EndDate time.Time `json:"end_date"`
//CardToken is the struct for the Stripe Card Token
CardToken struct {
UserID int `json:"user_id"`
Token struct {
TokenID string `json:"id"`
Card struct {
ID string `json:"id"`
Brand string `json:"brand"`
Country string `json:"country"`
Funding string `json:"funding"`
Last4 string `json:"last4"`
Name string `json:"name"`
ExpMonth int `json:"exp_month"`
ExpYear int `json:"exp_year"`
} `json:"card"`
} `json:"token"`
//Transaction holds everything necessary for a transaction from the bidder, through
// the app to the user.
Transaction struct {
TransID string `json:"id"`
UserID int `json:"user_id"`
BidderID int `json:"bidder_id"`
EventID int `json:"event_id"`
Amount int64 `json:"amount"`
AppFee int64 `json:"application_fee"`
Desc string `json:"description"`
Last4 int `json:"last4"`
ExpMonth int `json:"exp_month"`
ExpYear int `json:"exp_year"`
Funding string `json:"funding"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Status string `json:"status"`
//TransactionLine is attached to a transaction
TransactionLine struct {
OrderID int
ItemID int
Amount uint64
Line int
//CardDetails is the basic credit card details for a user.
CardDetails struct {
Last4 int `json:"last4"`
ExpMonth int `json:"exp_month"`
ExpYear int `json:"exp_year"`
Funding string `json:"funding"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Brand string `json:"brand"`
Country string `json:"country"`
//AuthUser combines Auth0 login credentials and data required
// by the application.
AuthUser struct {
UserID int `json:"user_id"`
AuthID string `json:"auth_id"`
Email string `json:"email"`
OptInEmail bool `json:"opt_in_email"`
Phone int `json:"phone"`
OptInPhone bool `json:"opt_in_phone"`
OptInNotified bool `json:"opt_in_notified"`
Card Card `json:"card"`
CCWarning bool `json:"cc_warning"`
Card struct {
Details CardDetails `json:"details"`
Valid bool `json:"valid"`
//ItemWon is an item won by a bidder
ItemWon struct {
ItemID int `json:"item_id"`
Bid int `json:"bid"`
BidderID int `json:"bidder_id"`
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