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Last active June 13, 2019 00:12
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  • Save natebass/8e3859a58a3e312e2f11a1a507e1b501 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save natebass/8e3859a58a3e312e2f11a1a507e1b501 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
$csvfile = "/Users/nwb/Desktop/data/FY15__FY16__FY17__FY18.csv"
# $csvfile = "/Users/nwb/Desktop/data/FY14-15__FY15-16.csv"
$jsonfile = "/Users/nwb/Desktop/data/sacbudget_v3.json"
$template = [PSCustomObject]@{
name = "Sacramento Budget 2017/18";
Import-Csv $csvfile |
Where-Object "account_type" -eq "Expenses" |
ForEach-Object {
"hello" + $_
} |
ConvertTo-Json |
Out-File $jsonfile
# $csv = Import-Csv $csvfile
# $csv[0] # DEBUG: List all the headers.
# $csv1 = $csv | Where-Object "account_type" -eq "Expenses"
# $csv | Where-Object "account_type" -eq "Revenues"
# $csv | Where-Object "account_type" -eq "Expenses"
# Tests:
# Import-Csv $csvfile | Format-BudgetGraph
# Import-Csv $csvfile | Format-BudgetGraph | Out-Host -Paging
# Import-Csv $csvfile | Format-BudgetGraph | ConvertTo-Json | TestParsingOutputsSameJsonFile
function global:Format-BudgetGraph {
process {
if ($_.account_type -eq "Expense") {
return $_
Takes each line of the budget data and converts it to the format needed for the Department Budgets graph.
Adds a file name extension to a supplied name.
Takes any strings for the file name or extension.
A line from the csv file with the following headers:
None. You cannot pipe objects to Add-Extension.
System.String. Add-Extension returns a string with the extension
or file name.
PS> extension -name "File"
function global:TestParsingOutputsSameJsonFile {
Get the first line
process {
$originalJsonFile = "/Users/nwb/Desktop/data/sacbudget_v2.json"
# Compare-Object Format-BudgetGraph($CsvLine) Get-Content -Path $originalJsonFile
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