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Created January 20, 2012 02:03
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Verify Service API
//Verify service API
function(A) {
var q = new A.AsyncQueue();
window.q = q;
function(event) {
console.log('expectedCount: %d, successCount: %d, exceptionCount: %d, reached expectedCount: %b',expectedCount, successCount, exceptionCount, expectedCount === (successCount + exceptionCount));
var service = 'user/get-user-id-by-email-address';
window.successCount = 0;
window.exceptionCount = 0;
window.expectedCount = 0;
window.exceptions = [];
var wait = function() {
expectedCount += 1;
var exceptionCallback = function(msg, obj) {
console.log('exception', msg, obj);
exceptions[exceptionCount] = msg;
exceptionCount += 1;;
var successCallback = function(obj) {
console.log('success', obj);
successCount += 1;;
var data = {
companyId: 10160,
emailAddress: ''
var form = A.Node.create(A.Lang.sub('<form id="fmTest" name="fmTest"><input type="text" name="companyId" value="{companyId}" /><input type="text" name="emailAddress" value="{emailAddress}" /></form>', data)).appendTo('body');
var Service = Liferay.Service;
[null, 'get', 'del', 'post', 'put', 'update'],
function(item, index, collection) {
var serviceMethod = item ? Service[item] : Service;
q.add(function() { serviceMethod(service); });
q.add(function() { wait(); serviceMethod(service, successCallback); });
q.add(function() { wait(); serviceMethod(service, successCallback, exceptionCallback); });
q.add(function() { serviceMethod(service, data); });
q.add(function() { wait(); serviceMethod(service, data, successCallback); });
q.add(function() { wait(); serviceMethod(service, data, successCallback, exceptionCallback); });
q.add(function() { wait(); serviceMethod(service, form, successCallback); });
q.add(function() { wait(); serviceMethod(service, '#fmTest', successCallback, exceptionCallback); });
[data, form, '#fmTest', form._node],
function(item1, index1, collection1) {
var serviceConfig = {};
serviceConfig[service] = item1;
q.add(function() { serviceMethod(serviceConfig); });
q.add(function() { wait(); serviceMethod(serviceConfig, successCallback); });
q.add(function() { wait(); serviceMethod(serviceConfig, successCallback, exceptionCallback); });
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