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Created May 27, 2016 01:49
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import scopt.OptionParser
case class BaseConfig(host: String, port: Int)
trait BaseParser { self: OptionParser[BaseConfig] =>
opt[String]("host") action { (x, c) =>
c.copy(host = x)
} text "Hostname of smrt server"
opt[Int]("port") action { (x, c) =>
c.copy(port = x)
} text "Services port on smrt server"
object BaseProgram {
lazy val parser = new OptionParser[BaseConfig]("basic-config") with BaseParser {
head("This is the basic program", "0.0.1")
case class ExtendedConfig(host: String, port: Int, uiPort: Int)
trait ExtendedParser { self: OptionParser[ExtendedConfig] =>
opt[Int]("ui-port") action { (x, c) =>
c.copy(uiPort = x)
} text "GUI port on smrt server"
object ExtendedProgram {
lazy val parser = new OptionParser[ExtendedConfig]("extended-config") with BaseParser with ExtendedParser {
head("This is the more fully-featured program")
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natechols commented May 27, 2016

This fails:

BadOptions.scala:33: illegal inheritance;
[error]  self-type scopt.OptionParser[ExtendedConfig] with BaseParser with ExtendedParser does not conform to BaseParser's selftype BaseParser with scopt.OptionParser[BaseConfig]
[error]   lazy val parser = new OptionParser[ExtendedConfig]("extended-config") with BaseParser with ExtendedParser {
[error]                                                                              ^

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