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Created March 22, 2018 19:31
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/// This is a useful index that can store a comparable element or the end of
/// a collection. Similar to
enum IndexWithEnd<T : Comparable> : Comparable {
case element(T)
case end
static func < (lhs: IndexWithEnd, rhs: IndexWithEnd) -> Bool {
switch (lhs, rhs) {
case (.element(let l), .element(let r)):
return l < r
case (.element, .end):
return true
case (.end, .element), (.end, .end):
return false
/// This extension provides all the Collection requirements to an OptionSet
/// that specifies that its Index is the type above.
extension Collection
where Self : OptionSet, Self.RawValue : FixedWidthInteger,
Index == IndexWithEnd<Self.RawValue>
func _rawBit(after value: RawValue) -> RawValue? {
let shift = value.trailingZeroBitCount + 1
let shiftedRawValue = rawValue >> shift
if shiftedRawValue == 0 {
return nil
} else {
return (1 as RawValue) << (shiftedRawValue.trailingZeroBitCount + shift)
var startIndex: Index {
return rawValue == 0
? .end
: .element(1 << rawValue.trailingZeroBitCount)
var endIndex: Index {
return .end
var isEmpty: Bool {
return rawValue == 0
var count: Int {
return rawValue.nonzeroBitCount
subscript(i: Index) -> Self {
switch i {
case .element(let e):
return Self(rawValue: e)
case .end:
fatalError("Can't subscript with endIndex")
func index(after i: Index) -> Index {
switch i {
case .element(let e):
return _rawBit(after: e).map({ .element($0) }) ?? .end
case .end:
fatalError("Can't advance past endIndex")
/// Here's a minimal OptionSet - the only additions to the typical elements
/// are the Index type alias and the Collection conformance.
struct O : OptionSet, Collection {
typealias Index = IndexWithEnd<Int>
var rawValue: Int
static var one = O(rawValue: 1)
static var two = O(rawValue: 2)
static var three = O(rawValue: 4)
static var four = O(rawValue: 8)
static var oneTwoThree: O = [, O.two, O.three]
/// Now you can use collection APIs with any O instance.
let a: O = [.one, .four, .three]
a.first // Optional(O(rawValue: 1))
Array(a) // [O(rawValue: 1), O(rawValue: 4), O(rawValue: 8)]
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